

Please visit : http://www.animalhouseofhorrors.com and get the word out!!!!

Thousands in donations missing!

Multiple fundraisers!

Multiple companies with accompanying fundraisers!

People scammed out of their money!

Animals / “beneficiaries” always end up with $0

Follow our 4 year expose of Rebecca Rodriguez (aka Rebecca A. Rodriguez) of La Center Washington and her “partners/associates” over the years including Poh Holmes (aka Pohyee Holmes, Poo Holmes, Pohyee Ooi Holmes) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania together with Tracey Kleber USA expat now living in Scotland, Alycia Barlow of Oregon, Erik the vegan and many more!

Enough is enough!

global vegan crowdfunder

Rebecca Rodriguez and Tracey Kleber fundraising again… this time as GLOBALVEGANCROWDFUNDER.ORG

We literally cannot keep up with the fundraising efforts of a known con-artist Rebecca A. Rodriguez of La Center in Washington and her new “business partner” Tracey Kleber, a USA expat, now living in Scotland. We cannot fathom why they can’t get a job and fund their own “ventures”. Ah, that’s right, much easier to make money exploiting others!

Because they are now vegan, they are wanting to promote veganism and yep, you guessed it, are trying to raise donations yet again to produce content (video production, surprise surprise) and get the word out to raise awareness about the plight of animals.

Promoting veganism costs $0 as all social media outlets and mechanisms are FREE. Plus there are approximately 20 million sites on the internet promoting veganism and animal rights. But ignore that, and support this “new venture to promote veganism and animal rights” <eyeroll>

They are now onto their 4th source of potential income with bogus plans and bogus endeavours all the while privately enriching themselves as the CEOs or Partners of said organizations.

1st attempt was Cook Vegan for Me.

2nd attempt was Toward a Vegan World.

3rd attempt is Paws and Claws PAC (An “action committee” for animals)

4th attempt is Global Vegan Crowdfunder.

What they aren’t telling you is they will be paying themselves for creating videos by “partnering” with companies owned and operated by Rebecca Rodriguez and will undoubtedly be earning salaries ALL funded by YOU the unsuspecting animal lover!

Bottom line. It costs NOTHING but TIME to put the word out about veganism and animal rights. These individuals are NOT ethical and in the case of Rodriguez she is a fugitive from justice in Indonesia where there is an active arrest warrant for her due to her fraudulent fundraiser for Bandung Zoo, the money of which – $65000 – was given by an unsuspecting public to supposedly help the alleged “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”. Who all get a big fat ZERO from Rodriguez.

To date, several years after the “fundraiser” nobody has seen ANY FINANCIAL DOCUMENTATION as to how that $650000 was spent because it was paid DIRECTLY into Rodriguez’s own private company REBROD LLC.

Please don’t be another victim of pathological liars looking to make a quick buck!


Cough up again and again and again so Rebecca A. Rodriguez can live the good life on YOUR dime!

Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal House : Around the World was presented with the opportunity to simply fulfil her legal obligation to the animals she raised funds for in her http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia campaign.  Sounds easy right?

The problem is she can’t fulfil her obligations because the money has been spent on international holidays with her bestie Alycia Hadfield who vacationed in multiple, exotic locations for months on end last year whilst identifying photo and film ops for “future projects”.

$65000 raised but none of the beneficiaries received 1 dime, not 1 penny, not 1 dollar.

Only hitch is, there are yet again, multiple additional fundraisers being hosted by none other than Rebecca A. Rodriguez asking YET AGAIN for YOU to FUND her lifestyle, dreams and filmmaking ops!  Now what sane, rational human being would cough up MORE MONEY for her to utilize for her own purposes?  She’s just taken in $65000!  What happened to all that money?  NOT ONE ANIMAL BENEFITTED FROM THE PUBLIC’S DONATIONS (besides the 2 Otters bought at the illegal wildlife market who shortly thereafter died and 2 kittens who were rescued off the streets)!

Once again, you are asked to donate to fund a FILMMAKING OP and once again, all of this is contingent on her reaching her “funding goals”!  You do remember this is the exact same ploy used by Rodriguez before! 

Furthermore, she is essentially asking YOU to FUND her FILMMAKING project for the “pilot episode” which will be firstly, created by her own filmmaking production company – Lucky Head Films – and then secondly, distributed by her own YouTube Channel.  So who is actually benefitting from this campaign?  Most certainly NOT the ANIMALS!


how funds will be used

Nothing happens unless she reaches her “funding goal” of $32000 in this instance!  So, based on her actions/history, the campaign will be halted at the $30000 goal and she will disappear with the donations –  underground – just as she did with the sun bears campaign and claim “I couldn’t fulfil my obligations because they were contingent on me reaching my funding goals”! Uh oh!

funding goal

Now seriously, what fool is buying into this?

#PetNet  #PetNetWashington  #OregonHumaneSociety   #CindyKoch   #HansKoch   #JeanineFoucher   #Washington   #Seattle  #Vancouver   #animalrescue  #animals  #bandungzoo   #bandung   #Indonesia   #PacificNorthWest   #humanesociety #SharonHarmon



Breaking news. What is Rebecca Rodriguez up to now?

Awww hell no!  Coming to a YouTube Channel soon! 

A series featuring none other than the work of Rebecca Rodriguez, asking YOU to cough up the money for her lifestyle and dreams so she gets to create, feature and appear on her – Animal Time TV’s YouTube Channel after accumulating 1000000 views thanks to her exploitation of the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” sting video went viral!  

Nice one!  Please donate your hard-earned cash  AGAIN so Rebecca and her “team” (friends) get to travel the world producing content (film and TV episodes) for their own YouTube Channel on “animal heroes”!  Yep, sounds familiar doesn’t it?  That way Rebecca and her friends live it up across the globe, using YOUR money.  And they benefit once again, by distributing the content via their own YouTube channel!

Prior to using the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” sting video, Rebecca Rodriguez and Alycia Hadfield got 11 views of Animal Time TV and we can prove it! They were/are unknown and nobody donated to their projects!

Read more about their multiple, failed projects here :


animal centric

She used those sun bears to raise $63000, closed the fundraising campaign, went AWOL with all the money, disappeared underground, none of the beneficiaries from the campaign got even $1 and then she further exploited them by amping up her YouTube channel with the “viral video of the starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”. 

The 1000000 views is so potential “sponsors” and/or affiliates can see that Rebecca Rodriguez is  “popular” enough and a “worthwhile association” and all the while she is suckering the sponsors into believing they are helping some animals somewhere in the world!  This is really sad because there ARE indeed animals all over the globe who need help!

animal house around the world

Some people just don’t seem to learn.

If you buy into this you DESERVE to be taken. 

Rebecca Rodriguez, please know this, every single sponsor, donor, and idiotic company that gets involved with your project in ANY WAY will be contacted and debriefed as to your on-going attempt at amassing funds to fund your lifestyle and dreams – produce and feature in YOUR STUPID CONTENT on YouTube, just so you can travel the world living it up to “reveal true animal heroes in action”!  THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!!!  NOTHING WRONG WITH TELLING THE TRUTH!!!!

“Animal House” : “Around the World”  And here, once again, featured project “Barks of Hope”!  Barks of Hope raise around $150 000 per annum in donations already!

Let us guess, the first “animal hero” will be Barks of Hope!  Duh!  And Rebecca Rodriguez and her bestie Alycia Hadfield spent almost a month in Puerto Rico in December 2017 living it up but now wants you to pay them to RETURN to Puerto Rico to show you a “visible animal hero”!!  WTF people?

Check out the strange direct relationship Rebecca has with Barks of Hope here :


puerto rico barks of hope project

Yes marketing and promotion of HERSELF!!!  Yet again, asking the PUBLIC to DONATE to fund Rebecca Rodriguez’s lifestyle and dreams of appearing on TV/YouTube and creating “content” on “animal heroes”!

And Rebecca wants you to believe that a project she did several years ago proves she is a professional and able to do the same thing again!  Here are the words of someone who has the misfortune of working with Rebecca on that project!  We will let you decide for yourself if this is the person you want to be associated with!






funding goalThe same nonsense excuse she used in her fundraiser for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”!  She raised $63000 not her $75000 target so couldn’t give any of the donations to the named beneficiaries!  That was her excuse!  Aw, hell no!

how funds will be used

animal house around the world 11

So Rebecca Rodriguez will get 15%, her best friend Alycia Hadfield will get 8%, Tracy Kleber will get 8% but in actuality, because they are using Rebecca Rodriguez’s production company, all those little other percentages will still go into Rebecca’s coffers! A total of 58% of $31 000 target will be hers!

Once again, under the “guise of helping animals”, YOU the public must AGAIN DONATE so Rebecca Rodriguez and her “expert team members” (friends) get to travel the world revealing “true animal heroes”, it gets made via Rodriguez’s own film production company – Lucky Head Films – and then it gets distributed via Rodriguez’s OWN YouTubeChannel to raise her profile and hopefully get other companies and organizations to work with her so she makes more money!  The animals?  What animals?  Pffffftttt!!!  Disgusting!

And this is what $10 000 gets you!  Your name appears on the scroll as “Presented by”!!  Seriously!  A certificate of appreciation and a pin! A pin??!!!

10000 perk


Rich people, rich organizations yet still no help for Mikey the juvenile Orangutan!

Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group
have known about the dire conditions of Orangutans (and other animals) at Kandi Wildlife Park Kandi Zoo Sawahlunto (Sumatra)– a known hell-hole for animals by their own admission Kandi is a nightmare for animals web page  since early 2016!  Despite their 3 day “education” program on how to care and feed Orangutans at the facility, 2 male Orangutans brutally attacked and killed the female mother Orangutan, orphaning “Mikail” the juvenile.

Currently Mikail is held in a tiny cage with minimal enrichment.

mikand the orang in tiny cage


Scorpion Scorpion web page,
Animals Asia Animals Asia web page and
Change for Animals Foundation Change for Animals web page 
being present at a visit to Kandi, (and also acknowledged by Wanicare Foundation   Wanicare Foundation web page ) all of whom receive massive public donations, Mikail has been left to rot and die with minimal enrichment and deplorable living conditions.
All of these organizations have tons of money to build Mikail an enclosure but again, nothing has changed and Mikail lives a sad, lonely, desperate life with no sign of improvement.  

The time has come to bring pressure to animal welfare organizations and groups to do the right thing and put their money where their rich mouths are!!  Mikail NEEDS HELP NOW!

scorpion with animals asia and change for animals
Not only have these organizations done nothing,
Rebecca A. Rodriguez of
Animal House Animal House web page and on Facebook :  Animal House TV Facebook page and
One Animal World One Animal World web page and on Facebook :   One Animal World facebook page ,
who has already raised $53 531 for “animals of Indonesia
has also done nothing!  
Rebecca’s solution to Mikail?  Start yet another fundraiser for him with herself as the beneficiary!!!!!
29 september fund raiser for mikand knew about him in april recipient is rr
Why are all of these infamous organizations taking in money on the backs of the animals of Indonesia, but doing nothing for the animals?
donate to scorpion






Email the following people/organizations and demand answers and action for Mikail :

Rebecca Rodriguez who has already raised $53 531 USD for “animals of Indonesia”:


Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group who has raised thousands of Dollars and produces sting videos of animal abuse but do nothing about it :


Animals Asia, in possession of thousands of donor money and well known for their work with animals here :


Change for Animals Foundation, in possession of thousands of donor money and well known for their work with animals here :







Why create a fake page of Bandung Zoo on Facebook – P Holmes??!!


This is the link to the vile hate page posing as the “Bandung Zoo” page which was created by Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World and P Holmes to fuel their GoFundMe fundraiser :

Fake intermingled Bandung Zoo and Surabaya Zoo

fake bz page

These people have NO BOUNDARIES!  They did this so people would see the petition (updates) and be referred to the fundraiser page.  The worse the things they wrote, the more people donated!

Rebecca Rodriguez continues to be obsessed with Cee4Life and Cee4Life supporters together with Bandung Zoo (who have reported Rebecca to the Indonesian authorities for fraud) who have spoken out about the illicit fundraiser and dishonest petition!  She has called these people liars, they’ve received death threats and are being subjected to targeted harassment and hatred all because they spoke up for the animals!

A hateful “Bandung Zoo” page was created on Facebook by Poo (P Ooi, P, Pohyee) Holmes of Ben Avon, Pennsylvania and Rebecca Rodriguez of La Center, Washington. This Facebook page purposefully joined both Bandung Zoo with Surabaya Zoo. It has a picture of Surabaya Zoo on the front page implying it is one and the same as Bandung Zoo.  This is an attempt to confuse the public.

Due to the confusing page, which at first glance seems legitimate, people had been fed 100% lies and outright slanderous and fraudulent status updates on the page.

This evil plot was purposefully created to continue the agenda and hatred towards Bandung Zoo and Cee4Life and Cee4Life supporters by none other than the petition creator Poo Holmes and her team member, GoFundMe fundraiser Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World to fuel their fundraiser!

The level of mass exploitation of the public has reached new heights!  Not only is the petition completely false and flawed, the ensuing fundraiser has garnered $63 000 USD and not a single cent will go to any single animal of Bandung Zoo or Mikail the Orangutan at Kandi Wildlife Park despite Rebecca saying so.  All the money has been funneled directly into the bank account of Rebecca Rodriguez via her for profit LLC called Rebrod LLC!

Who was the campaign for

The more hatred, the more outrageous claims regarding the animals condition, living space, enrichment and behavior, all of which is extremely negative – the more people donate!  You are being duped by a deceptive individual with no shame and a black heart who thinks this all very amusing!  This is being planned so that the public continue to donate their hard earned money without knowing the truth about Bandung Zoo.

Surabaya Zoo has a terrible reputation and this is the reason the 2 zoos have been purposefully interlinked as one and the same.  The truth is currently Bandung Zoo is rated 14 out of 61 zoos/sanctuaries in Indonesia!

Animals’ lives are at stake!  This is not a get quick rich scheme for dishonest supposed “animal advocates” who steal from animals via illegal, illicit fundraisers and pumping out false information to an unsuspecting public!  Absolutely disgusting!

Please immediately  report the fake page :

Fake Bandung Zoo page on Facebook implying its the same as Surabaya Zoo

Please note, this is Surabaya Zoo entrance


and this is Bandung Zoological Gardens entrance



The 2 zoos ARE IN NO WAY RELATED TO EACH OTHER.  EACH IS A SEPARATE ZOO IN INDONESIA at very different locations as can be clearly seen from the photos!


Links to Surabaya Zoo (Clearly NOT Bandung Zoo) :

All about Surabaya Zoo via tourism link

Lion found hanging in Surabaya Zoo

Giraffe died with 40lbs of plastic in its stomach at Surabaya Zoo

Surabaya Zoo referred to as “death zoo” or “zoo of death”

Petition President of Indonesia to close Surabaya Zoo

Tiger dies at Surabaya death Zoo in 201




Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group finally speaks out against Rebecca A. Rodriguez and her fraudulent fundraiser!

What is really going on?  In December 2016 Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group or Scorpion Monitor org released a video captured of an absolutely heartbreaking situation – that of Mikail the orphaned Orangutan at Kandi Wildlife Park in Sumatra.

This information was then passed on to Rebecca Rodriguez who alleged she would financially donate to build Mikail a desperately needed new enclosure with enrichment and appropriate food and veterinary care. He is living in a tiny cage after his mother died.

Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World http://www.oneanimalworld.com has repeatedly raised funds allegedly for Mikail the orphaned Orangutan.  We saw pleas for donations around September 2017 contained within the original GoFundMe fundraiser for the Sun Bears. Nobody knows how much money people donated towards Mikail at that time.

although states wanicare will receive money and oversee enclosure all donations go directly to rebecca29 september fund raiser for mikand knew about him in april recipient is rr

Then suddenly, yet another GoFundMe fundraiser was started by Rebecca Rodriguez shortly thereafter, this time allegedly specifically for Mikail.

In this fundraiser her goal was to raise $7000 USD supposedly for Mikail’s new enclosure.

Then Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group, the organization who provided Rebecca A. Rodriguez with the sting video of the sun bears of Bandung Zoo and the sting video of Mikail the orphaned Orangutan, released the following publically and stated the enclosure for Mikail would only actually cost around $3,500 USD.

So what exactly was the $7,000 USD being raised for?

scorpion highlighing mikail need for 4000 so why fundraiser for 7000

Rebecca Rodriguez promised/committed/pledged only $375 towards an enclosure for Mikail!!!!  So who was the REAL BENEFICIARY of the remaining balance of the $7,000 USD target – $6625????!!

scorpion statement against rr1

scorpion statement against rr2


Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World Lie #2 I am in control of the “animals of Indonesia” with my “expert team”!

Ooh boy.  There are some very interesting yet strangely amusing statements put out there by Rebecca Rodriguez.  Since Rebecca is always going on about the qualifications of Sybelle Foxcroft of Cee4Life (supposedly she has none) and pointing out her flaws, inadequacies and issues, her lack of professionalism and purported inability to truly help animals, let us take a quick look at something first.

One of the most critical issues has been questioning the professionalism and the issue of experience and expertise of Cee4Life’s team (and Bandung Zoo team).

We want you to get a really good look at what Rebecca Rodriguez’s team REALLY IS. Who are these “QUALIFIED, EXPERT TEAM MEMBERS” (friends) and what are their fields of expertise and training, if any?

Rebecca Rodriguez’s “highly specialized team” are actually a bunch of her friends who mostly have worked with her on other projects under the guise of her company “Lucky Head Films LLC”. Most are completely unknown and unheard of in the animal welfare arena.

Who is Rebecca? Rebecca is an unqualified, unknown aspiring filmmaker and wannabe actress! She left school at 16 and has no further education or qualifications. She has zero experience of Indonesia or their animals.  In truth, besides the odd dog, Rebecca is not known for her work ‘with or for’ animals!

However, her apparent lack of knowledge regarding Indonesia became apparent from her claims like “there are 28 zoos in Indonesia” when there are actually 61!!!!

there are 28 zoos

and “there is a lactating sun bear in Bandung Zoo but no cubs.” Rebecca headlined her GoFundMe update with the headline “Is the sun bear expert wrong?”  Well to answer that succinctly?  The “SUN BEAR EXPERT” was an ass who got it HORRIBLY wrong!  Rebecca mentioned that supposedly “lactating sun bears were seen but no cubs” not once, not twice but at least 3 times!  Furthermore, the “sun bear expert” said the sun bears were unhealthy when already several independent wildlife organizations weighed in on the Sun Bear situation and refuted any allegations that the sun bears were starving and confirmed they had never been starving.


So here is your “expert” Rebecca Rodriguez, the “team leader” or “head honcho” leading the charge into Indonesia to be the voice for the animals of Indonesia and is the authority in power to hold the entire country accountable.  <cough cough>  More on this to come later.  Come on, stay with me on this wondrous journey 😉


Alycia Hadfield aka Alycia Barlow Hadfield  is another “team member”. Qualifications? Zero! Known in the animal welfare community? Unheard of!  She does love animals, so I guess that makes her an expert.

“Dr” Dan Allen – One immediately garners respect for this person as he’s a “Doctor” right? Nope! Not in the “medical sense”! He has a PhD in human geography. Yes, you read that right, “human geography”! It gets better. “Daniel’s doctoral research explored, ‘The cultural and historical geographies of otter hunting in Britain, 1830-1939’ and he is referred to as “The Otter Man for obvious reasons.

Miguel Abi-Hassan claims he has a degree in occupational psychology.  Great! Wonderful! However, an occupational psychologist is someone who studies the behaviour of people at work. We have no idea what this has to do with animals.

Also Hassan, in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Halifax Humane Society is involved in an investigation into “missing rabbits” who are thought to have been given to a “predator facility” as food.

The last member of the team is W Poh-Yee Ooi Holmes or Poo Holmes who uses numerous variations of her strange name. Why we do not know! Born and raised in Teluk Intan, Perak, Malaysia, Poo married an American and settled into life in Ben Avon, Pennsylvania.

She is a serial petition organizer who likes sewing but other than that is completely unheard of/unknown in any field including animal welfare. She has 2 followers on Twitter and absolutely zero qualifications or expertise, despite feeding data from Google and Wikipedia to give herself more credibility on her endless, boring, tedious updates on the petition to close Bandung Zoo.

This became abundantly clear in her opening paragraph blunder on the petition to close Bandung Zoo screenshot-www.change.org-2017-11-05-13-21-03-043

wherein she claimed it was Bandung Zoo who were coined the “death zoo” when in fact it was Surabaya Zoo and she further went on to claim that at Bandung Zoo a giraffe ingested 40lbs of plastic and died when actually the giraffe was at Surabaya Zoo.



These are just a sampling of her ridiculous claims and comments, written as “factual”! It’s scary what a keyboard warrior with no qualifications or experience in animal welfare issues can conjure up! Abracadabra Poo!

Right so we have now established that both Rebecca A. Rodriguez and her “team members” are a group of her friends with no real, specific qualifications or even any qualifications at all.  Yet here they have the gall to take on the responsibility of being a “watchdog group” whose role is to “scrutinize, verify and publicly confirm the claims, promises, successes and failures ……..”


I ask you, with tears in my eyes, how can a group of unqualified, uneducated nobodies take on the role of pointing out any errors or mistakes made by Cee4Life or Bandung Zoo? How on earth can she/they be a “watchdog organization”? LOL!!  Please explain this to me! Am I missing something?  Rebecca had never set a foot in Indonesia in her life until her trip in July 2017.  Suddenly she is an expert on Indonesian animals, Indonesian Zoos and Indonesian practices! LONNY TUNESE EMOTICON




Ha ha ha ha!  Rebecca  Rodriguez is one of the funniest people I’ve ever encountered.  “One would expect a very well-thought-out plan, developed and executed by qualified professionals” ………. Just like you showed up at Bandung Zoo’s door, right Rebecca???!!!  With a very well-thought-out plan by “qualified professionals”??


You diminished your own opportunities to be the voice for the Animals of Indonesia by your disgraceful, embarrassing ignorance and lack of education, qualifications or pre-planning.  How can anyone take you seriously?  Your ego is monumental and your ignorance, blissful!


Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World Big Lie #1 : She is in control of 150 dogs in Fasano, Italy! Lie!

Animal House : Around the World (aka One Animal World) and Rebecca Rodriguez’s “expert team” were allegedly working “for months” on plans to help 150 dogs in Fasano, Italy.  Allegedly!!

See Rebecca Rodriguez’s interaction with an Italian businessman on Facebook. The balls of this woman! She is utterly delusional.

animal house italy bs with tiberio

She started a petition to force the hand of the Mayor but had no direct dealings with the Mayor or his office whatsoever.  Rebecca alluded to the fact that she was indeed in contact with the Mayor and was going to be instrumental in helping the dogs…… to build them a new shelter (and film it!!!)

petition for fasano

Now, if you don’t know anything about Rebecca and her team, several years ago they negotiated to “help” an animal welfare organization to re-build their shelter. This was in Othello Washington.

Her plan was to create a TV series, based on her team liaising and negotiating with the staff of the animal welfare organization and then building a better shelter for the animals.  The intent was to create a “sizzle reel” (one episode) to determine whether the greater public would be interested and if they were, Rebecca would be given the green light to produce more episodes with the same “theme”.

The project flopped.  There was no public interest and the TV production companies gave it the thumbs down.  Rebecca’s dreams of appearing on TV and becoming a super star, plummeted.

On the back-end what the public and TV production companies didn’t know was the entire venture was a giant catastrophe. Here are the experiences from one of Rebecca’s team leaders 😦  All we can say is EMBARRASSING!  It’s a good thing no TV production company agreed to purchase this nightmare/fiasco, er Rebecca’s offerings!

But back to the dogs of Fasano, Italy!

Rebecca Rodriguez is a masterful story teller.  She led the public to believe she was INFLUENTIAL in helping these dogs and had INFLUENCE with the Mayor, she was only trying to HELP ANIMALS………. None of that is true!

She also alleged that Cee4Life and Cee4Life supporters were “undermining my influence” (yes those exact words) and that “for months I have been working to inspire a mayor in Italy…” REBECCA RODRIGUEZ HAD NO DEALINGS WITH THIS MAYOR AND ZERO COMMUNICATION WITH HIM OR HIS OFFICIALS.  How can Cee4Life and Cee4Life supporters undermine something that DOES NOT EXIST?????


She had zero influence, no communication and wanted to “help animals” – Yes, in her usual form of FILMING the re-building of the shelter in Fasano, Italy, selling it to TV production companies and appearing on TV with her friends (errrr team members!)

Here is the Mayor of Fasano, Francesco Zaccaria addressing the issues of the 150 dogs of Fasano, Italy on FaceBook.  See any reference to having had any dealings with the one, the only, the almighty Rebecca Rodriguez??????

the mayors statement regarding the kennel

Now Rebecca Rodriguez is once again using the dogs of Fasano Italy as a “featured project” under One Animal World and is asking for DONATIONS!!!  Has the entire world gone mad?



Wake up and smell the fish, er roses!


All is quiet in Rebecca land.  Not even the pitter patter of a mouse can be heard.

Who here can stand up and say they have seen the bank statements of RebRod LLC?  Any accounting whatsoever?  A receipt?  Even an invoice? $53 531 USD plus an additional approx $12 000 USD in contributions, a giant total of approx $63 000 USD given by kind-hearted donors to help the sun bears of Bandung Zoo, other animals of Bandung Zoo, Mikail at Kandi Wildlife Park and “animals of Indonesia”.

Do you remember the PROMISES?

we promise to spend donor money responsibly and in the best interest of the animals UPDATE 10bandungzoo animals specifically will get money

please donate for mikey

Have ANY of those animals received even $1?  The answer is NO!  If you don’t believe us, ask Rebecca Rodriguez herself if she has donated to the intended beneficiaries.  And don’t fall for her lies about Bandung Zoo refused her help!  We have proven that that too, is 100% false.

So people, where is YOUR money? Shhhhh!  Poof!!!! Gone!!!! Abracadabra!!!

Rebecca is making good use of your donations.  She and Alycia Barlow have been traversing the world identifying filming opportunities to re-launch Rebecca’s dreams of appearing and featuring in her own TV production!!!

Where IS that money?  Anyone seen any accounting of disbursement of public’s donations?  There is NONE!

animal time is animal houseWe will explain what is happening with YOUR money.

Years ago Rebecca tried to sell an idea based on her experiences in 1989 to TV production networks – like Animal Planet.  It focussed on rebuilding an animal shelter and filming it.  The idea came from the popular series “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” except it was for animals!  IT FAILED MISERABLY.

After producing one sizzle reel the idea was dumped. Nobody was interested in the idea and people who were involved with Rebecca on the sizzle reel, stepped forward to announce that it was a nightmare!

Then along came “Close Bandung Zoo” and “GoFundMe fundraising campaign for “Sun Bears of Indonesia”.  Rebecca raised over $63 000 for those animals but after being exposed for potential fraud she ditched her plans to be the “driving force for animals in Indonesia” and returned to the USA.

We also exposed her for lying about the dogs of Fasano, Italy.  Yet she still features this “project” under One Animal World and STILL asks you to DONATE yet again!


We also exposed her strange relationship with Barks of Hope in Puerto Rico.

Then radio silence.  Absolutely no new information was put out.

Suddenly Animal House TV is down but Rebecca has revealed herself on her Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/animalhousetv which has now also been taken down!  Oops!  Too late!  Screenshot!

animal house tv as at feb 2018

You see ALL THE MONEY YOU DONATED FOR THE ANIMALS IN INDONESIA is now, we surmise, back to funding Rebecca’s original idea of Animal Time TV aka Animal House : Around the World!!  (Don’t be confused by all the similar names 😉 Yes, there is also Animal House TV but Animal Time TV is linked to YOUTUBE which is where they are launching their little films from!)

And it’s all evolved into a jumbled mish-mash of Animal House : Around The World and One Animal World!


You remember, YOUR hard-earned money that you struggled and worked for? The money FOR THE ANIMALS?

If you STILL CAN BELIEVE that Rebecca is an “animal advocate” “helping animals” then why months later there still an absolute hush on where $63 000 USD has disappeared to? The truth is there has been ZERO ACCOUNTING of the MONEY THROUGHOUT THE FUNDRAISER!!!!

Surely any legitimate organization or honest “animal advocate” would be 100% transparent and 100% accountable?  But that’s the point, isn’t it?  There is, in reality, NO LEGITIMATE ORGANIZATION involved, nor an “HONEST ANIMAL ADVOCATE” involved!

mikand the orang in tiny cage5 months ago she posted about the baby orangutan and asked for donations 1


Feel free to email the lovely Rebecca Rodriguez and DEMAND SPECIFIC, VERIFIABLE PROOF of the ACCOUNTING of the DONATIONS.  Don’t accept her word or her claims.  Ask for a bank statement or an audited accounting record, you know, ACTUAL PROOF and please remember, this money was NEVER intended to benefit Rebecca and her friends (and is illegal per GoFundMe’s terms and conditions) for identifying FILMING opportunities for their newly formed “project” – that of One Animal World Foundation and Animal House : Around the World!

msrebrod@gmail.com or Rebecca@rebrod.com



Defending the indefensible!

People, the time has come to rise up and speak out.  Speak the truth.  Reveal the truth.

Who is helping the animals of Indonesia?  Who is just talking about it?  Some people just talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  Who is faking it? Who is leading you on a twisted, winding road of lies and deceit?


Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes created seperately, a gigantic fundraiser for the “starving sun bears” of Bandung Zoo and a petition to the Indonesian President, Widodo, to shut down the Zoo, claiming the animals were eating their own feces, begging for food and are held in abhorrent and terrible conditions.  To date, we are still confused at their opposing viewpoints and struggle to identify which was the real goal?  To help Bandung Zoo or close Bandung Zoo?

the deceiver

Their on-going consistent efforts to scrutinize and specifically target Bandung Zoo in Bandung, Indonesia, alleging that certain individuals and organizations are “defending the indefensible” will be discussed.

Upon investigation, we discovered there are 61 zoos in Indonesia.  Of these, Bandung Zoo is rated number 14!  If Bandung Zoo, according to Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes, is “horrific”, then that leads us to question the voracity of their statements and to uncover what conditions are like for animals in zoos rated, say, below 40 or even 50?  We cannot understand why Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes aren’t “exposing” ALL the other terrible Zoos of Indonesia, those rated say 28 or 35 or even 50?

It also leads us to ask WHY Bandung Zoo is specifically being targeted?

We can reveal that Ms Rodriguez has raised approximately USD $54 000 plus an additional approximately USD $12 000 for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” plus the various other animals named in Ms Rodriguez’s GoFundMe campaign.  What gives us pause and concern is to date, none of the beneficiaries (the animals) have received even USD $1 from Ms Rodriguez’s campaign. Furthermore, Ms Rodriguez refuses to publish any accounting of this money.

It would appear, thus, Ms Rodriguez is attempting to divert attention away from the massive amount of funds donated by the public for the animals of Indonesia and several specifically named animals within the campaign, onto the “purported conditions of animals at Bandung Zoo”, who she promised to help.  It would seem to us a giant “smokescreen is being created” for very specific and obvious, unethical reasons.

What has either Ms Rodriguez or Ms Holmes accomplished for any animal of Indonesia?  Nothing!  There is no tangible help to a single animal.  But their claims of being “animal advocates” and aspiring “visible animal heroes” all have been debunked.  All their talk, all their blogs, all their lies have done what?  Nothing!  Not a single piece of fruit or a timber pole been proferred to assist a single animal of Indonesia! But they continue their agenda unabated.

Taman Safari Bogor is rated as the number 1 out of 61 zoos in Indonesia.  They have an excellent hospital and rescue facilities for wild animals.  They too have been and continue to be a valuable resource for Bandung Zoo due to the strong relationship between Bandung Zoo’s original owner and themselves.

And Bandung Zoo received help.  First PKBSI stepped up in May 2016. They in turn reached out to Cee4Life who joined in March 2017.  Concerted efforts into improving the living conditions, enclosure upgrades, nutritional feeding guidelines, standard of veterinary care etc. was immediately undertaken.  Thus far, the Elephants have received a new enclosure and are unchained for the majority of their lives.  However, please note, at times the Elephants WILL be chained by one leg.  These include impending veterinary checks and oftentimes on a rotational basis due to displays of agression by Shelma towards Ira and vice versa.  At night they sleep in their individual holding enclosures.

Further minor upgrades have been made to the enclosures of the Zebras, Binturongs and Casowarys plus Ozone the Orangutan’s enclosure was upgraded with enrichment.  The Tiger’s enclosure is also being upgraded. The new plans for the completely new Sun Bear’s enclosure were approved and construction is underway.  As is evidenced, it would seem strange that Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes persist with their specific, targeted harassment and agenda of hatred towards Bandung Zoo and not any other Zoo in the whole of Indonesia!

Thanks to Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holme’s campaign of hatred, poor Bandung Zoo who are trying desperately to upgrade the Zoo, keep getting targeted.  This is very, very suspicious.  As stated, we wonder where the scrutiny of Zoo rated 30 or 35 is?!


Surabaya Zoo

surabaya bearsurabaya elephant 1surabaya giraffesurabaya tigersurabaya white tiger

Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia has one of the worst reputations possible.  Multiple events that can only be described as some of the worst animal cruelty ever witnessed have been publicized all over the world.












How can Surabaya Zoo, coined as “Indonesia’s zoo of death” with it’s history of diabolical and demented mistreatment of animals, be rated on Google reviews, HIGHER than Bandung Zoo?  Does this seem possible?

surabaya rated 4.1 on google reviews

And Bandung Zoo

bandung zoo rated on google review lower than surabaya

Medan Zoo

medan orang in cagemedan zoo elephantmedan zoo lionmedan zoo primate

Medan Zoo rated higher than Bandung Zoo!

medan zoo google ratings

Life for the animals at Medan Zoo can only be described as highly upsetting with compelling evidence of abject cruelty, neglect and apalling living conditions for it’s animals.

“In Medan Zoo, the animals have no access to fresh drinking water, and some don’t have access to any water at all. Many social animals such as primates are kept in isolation and some serious medical conditions lacking treatment were observed.” wrote Animal People Forum blog.



Then there are those who do indeed “defend the indenfensible”…………


Where are all the funds donated by a generous public to assist the “animals of Indonesia”, the sun bears, the orangutan Mikey, the tigers and the others?

The full story of Rebecca Rodriguez can be found here :




Rebecca A. Rodriguez in an inventor! Didn’t you know?

Rebecca A. Rodriguez, despite describing herself as a “critically acclaimed, independent filmmaker” (more on that to come!) she also describes herself as an INVENTOR.  Everyone thinks Wow, right?!

Is it a revolutionary new laser device? Solved one of Einstein’s creations? A mind-altering drug enhancing ESP?  Something deliciously fantastic????  Well???

Let us show you what she actually invented.

It’s called Soap Saver on a Rope.  Click here :

Transport your soap in a hurry LOL!

Well, it’s not called that but the idea is EXACTLY THE SAME!  Except it’s for pets in “emergency evacuation situations”!

Put your cat/dog in a bag with a drawstring top and transport them to safety!  This will cost you $49.99 on Rebecca’s website!

See, she’s an INVENTOR! Voila!

Well, just in case you don’t want to spend $50 on a Soap Saver on a Rope, you can make your own 🙂

Patterns and ideas for your Soap Saver on a Rope!

A moment’s silence.  We are in the presence of greatness 😉




Who is Poop Holmes?


This unknown individual is part and parcel of Rebecca Rodriguez’s “team”.  The “expert” team we wrote of previously!

And THIS PERSON is the “creator” or “petition organizer” behind trying to get President Widodo of Indonesia to shut down Bandung Zoo!  This lonely, sad person utterly desperate to be noticed and with ZERO qualifications and ZERO experience is the author!


Her name is W Poh-Yee Holmes aka P Holmes, Py Holmes, Pohyee Holmes, Yee Poo Holmes, Poo Holmes, P Ooi Holmes, Ooi P Holmes etc. etc.


She was born in Malaysia but married an American and settled into Bev Avon, Philadelphia, USA.

She is uneducated and has no qualifications or expertise with regard to animals of Indonesia or animals in general (Not if you call feeding squirrels and raccoon’s “expertise”) – No diplomas or degrees in anything!

She is unemployed.

She is married to a building maintenance person.

She likes to sew. Yes for $500 you could own this scuzzy, dirty-looking “animal” via her petition and the fundraiser!

scuzzy sun bear

She likes to garden.

She has 1 follower on Twitter which is her brother.

She basically is a completely unheard of, unknown person who likes to create petitions that seem to be “animal-related”.  Oh and she also vigorously shares these petitions with her “friends”, all 2 of them.

She gained “some form of acknowledgement” by being the person behind the petition to close Bandung Zoo. She appeared as P Holmes on the petition and then changed to Py Holmes and seems to change names back and forth.  It’s all a bit confusing because Poo was/is trying to get Bandung Zoo shut down while her friend Rebecca Rodriguez was trying to get the animals there fed!


EXPERTISE – ANIMAL RELATED – NONE!! Never even set foot in Indonesia.  Hasn’t even seen a real Tiger or Sun Bear in real life!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, tada………… Poo Holmes is an “expert”!!!!!

Suddenly out of left-field, this unknown, unqualified NOBODY created a false petition that was fatally flawed from it’s inception.  It contained MANY lies and inaccuracies.  Poo created a petition that never should have been created.  And if someone did decide to start a petition about a Zoo, you would think that at the very least this person had actually BEEN to the Zoo she was writing about?  Nope!

She’s never been to Bandung Zoo, never encountered any of the animals there, has no qualifications or expertise regarding specifically Sun Bears or Orangutans or Tigers or …… well, anything for that matter who created a petition with outright, blatant lies and misinformation.  She made a fool out of herself with opening statements such as “a giraffe died at Bandung Zoo with 40lbs of plastic in it’s stomach”!  Pssssssssttttttttttt, wrong zoo!!!!


For her own warped reasons, she is attempting to incite mass-hatred towards Bandung Zoo, the animals, Indonesia as a whole and also trashed Cee4Life – the only organization outside of Indonesia approved to work with the animals of Bandung Zoo.

This begs the question, why would someone try and bring down a Zoo and an organization actively working to improve the conditions at the Zoo for a better life for it’s animals?

She attacked Cee4Life supporters with vicious, cowardly and highly slanderous updates on the petition.  She bullied and continues to bully anyone who speaks out against her or Rebecca  Rodriguez of One Animal World.  She seems to be unaware of the legal ramifications of posting and disseminating such vicious lies.

She also ILLEGALLY asked for you to purposefully review Bandung Zoo with the worst possible review on the Google Review platform!!!  ILLEGAL!!!!

poo calling for bad reviews of bandung zoo on her petition site 1


She has criticized Bandung Zoo, the vets, the staff, Cee4Life, Cee4Life supporters and the animals aswell as their care/exercise/feeding etc.





She actually believes she’s some kind of “expert”!  Thank goodness for Wikipedia and Google, right Poo?  She’s now extended the petition to reach 1.5M signatories, not realizing that this petition has already been discussed and laughably, will be binned should it ever even reach the office of the Mayor, let alone the offices of the President!

I think “delusional” comes to mind!





Rebecca A. Rodriguez’s ridiculous “offer of assistance” to Bandung Zoo!

Rebecca Rodriguez’s repeated claims at “offering Bandung Zoo assistance” and their denial in the form of a “NO!” is the reason she claims she doesn’t owe them the $53 531 she raised for their “starving sun bears”!


Let’s summarize :

  • Rebecca knew prior to creating the GoFundMe fundraiser for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”, that the sun bears were NOT starving.  She was given this information by independent, unassociated, key wildlife experts.

  • In spite of this knowledge, Rebecca created the GoFundMe with herself as the beneficiary and continued to raise funds for the sun bears.

  • Rebecca had NEVER previously contacted Bandung Zoo in any way.  She never asked their permission to raise funds on their behalf.  She had not even notified them that she was coming to Bandung Zoo!

  • What the general public (and Bandung Zoo) didn’t know was, behind the scenes, Rebecca never had any intention whatsoever to HELP the sun bears.  The real objective was known only to her friends and associates.  The objective was to get Bandung Zoo to turn over the sun bears to Rebecca – to remove them – to sanctuaries in the USA and FILM IT! The money was really going to fund Rebecca Rodriguez’s TEAM MEMBERS who would APPEAR in her NEW TV PRODUCTION and costs associated with FILMING it.  (Similar to what Four Paws does except this TV production would be sold onto TV production networks like National Geographic and Animal Planet.)

  • Rebecca and “her team” arrived at Bandung Zoo and along with Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group (more on them later) asked for special permission to gain access to the sun bears and other animals.  They were denied.  The reason for the denial was very clear.  (a) Scorpion had been causing chaos in Indonesia with their subversive measures to gain “sting videos” of animal situations and (b) Bandung Zoo got information that Rebecca was fundraising on their behalf, using the sun bears, claiming they were starving, eating their own faeces and one was lactating but there were no cubs.

  • Bandung Zoo, having now been alerted to the fundraiser, contacted Indonesian Police in this regard and very quickly pictures of Rebecca were plastered all over Indonesia as a “wanted person“.  She was being pursued for fraud!  Please be aware that Cee4Life had NOTHING to do with this.  By Rebecca’s own actions, she had brought this upon herself.

  • Since there was NEVER any intention to HELP the sun bears anyway, Rebecca returned to USA and suddenly there was an “update” on the fundraiser.  It was claimed that Bandung Zoo refused her help and the campaign had “evolved”.

  • Subsequently, a “letter of assistance” was sent to Bandung Zoo on 25 July 2017.  Read it very carefully.  There is again NO REAL OFFER OF HELP and NO OFFER TO TURN OVER DONATIONS.  Also, think about this…. based on Rebecca Rodriguez’s previous behavior, why would Bandung Zoo agree to ANY conditions set out by Rebecca?  She had lied to the public, she had stolen the donations for the sun bears, she was never approved to fundraise on behalf of the Zoo, she knew the sun bears weren’t starving etc. etc.

  • In reality, who IS Rebecca A. Rodriguez?  Who and what is One Animal World?  Nobody, not even people in USA knew this person or her “organization”.  How would someone in Indonesia know about Rebecca?

  • There was and never has been ANY LEGITIMATE offer of HELP.

  • The bottom line is Rebecca A. Rodriguez has raised $63000 for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”.  She has raised this money fraudulently and channeled all the funds into her own, private profit LLC called REBROD LLC.  She has lied repeatedly on the petition, the fundraiser and her hate blog/web site.  She has violated multiple terms of the GoFundMe platform.  She has changed the beneficiary from the sun bears to an unidentifiable entity – “animals of Indonesia”! Who and what EXACTLY is “animals of Indonesia”?  She has changed the beneficiary multiple times.

  • Rebecca Rodriguez should turn over the $63000 in donations to the rightful, named and identified beneficiaries of the campaign.  The sun bears are getting a new enclosure as we speak.  The new enclosure will cost around $50,000.  Why shouldn’t those bears get that money?  The money should go to the intended purpose and the intended beneficiary!  That’s the whole point of a fundraiser!

the fake letter offering nothing to bz by rr


Email her here : Rebecca@rebrod.com and demand she be truthful, held accountable and give the money to the rightful subjects – the Sun Bears, the animals of Bandung Zoo, Mikey the Orangutan at Kandi Wildlife Park, the 2 sun bears Tegan and Bedhu and the remaining funds to legitimate, registered animal charities/sanctuaries in Indonesia as “animals of Indonesia”!

#oneanimalworld #rebeccarodriguez #scam #fraud #animalcruelty #animals #animalhouse #animalhouseinternational #animaltimetv #animalcentric #puglia #fasano #sunbears #bandung #bandungzoo #cee4life


Alleged “rescue” of 2 Otters from illegal wildlife park by Rebecca Rodriguez and her “expert team”!


We want to address the “merry-go-round” that was the purported “rescue of 2 otters” from an illegal, wildlife market in Bandung. Rebecca A. Rodriguez also used these Otters to raise funds.  MONEY MONEY MONEY!!  It’s the root of all evil!



The team of professionals bought 2 Asian small-clawed Otters from an ILLEGAL WILDLIFE MARKET in Bandung, Indonesia. First mistake. You are fuelling the illegal trade of endangered animals!

It is highly recommended, even though the imploring looks from captured, captive animals pulls at the heart strings, besides being highly illegal, you are actually encouraging the “owner” to go out and catch more wild animals to trade in!

otters at market

The question of disease is a critical one to address. Wild otters (and other animals) are often carrying ticks and this may have implications for vector-borne diseases, which can infect humans and their companion animals. There are literally hundreds of diseases which can infect otters (and in this case, did – and the otters died). This is yet another reason we are told to NEVER purchase a wild animal at an illegal wildlife market.

Then the handling of the Otters by the “experienced team”. It is a known, undisputed fact that when dealing with wild animals, to avoid stress (a significant factor contributing to death) you should ensure that the Otters (or other wild animals):

  1. a) be handled/touched as little as possible

    b) are kept in a darkened place

    c) not be talked to or petted

    d) when handling use gloves

    e) ensure you have correct food on hand

Rebecca A. Rodriguez and “her team of experts” did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, WRONG!

They purchased these Otters – Punishable by jail terms and in contravention of many laws protecting wildlife. Fuelled the trade in a protected species. Transported them in small cages in a van. Showered and bathed with the Otters in a shower. Fed them incorrect diet. Handled and talked to the Otters. Then ultimately dumped them at Wanicare Foundation with a small donation and a good-bye. The result?


rr otters are dead

This is the “team of experts” forging change for Indonesian’s animals and forming an “inspiring and educated” coalition!



The heartbreaking tale of Mikey. Stuck in a dark dank corner in a small cage. The orangutan Rebecca pledged just $375 to!

Rebecca Rodriguez started a GoFundMe fundraiser for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” in conjunction with a petition to close down Bandung Zoo in Indonesia. The petition was started first.  The GFM fundraiser followed.  It was claimed that the funds raised would go to directly help/benefit the sun bears of Bandung Zoo, who they claimed were starving, eating their own feaces and one was lactating but there were no cubs. Apparently the situation of the sun bears was dire and critical.

Rebecca flew to Indonesia with her team mates but was denied entry and access to Bandung Zoo.  On her return to the USA, Rebecca “updated” her fundraiser and stated the “campaign has evolved” and one of the “new beneficiaries” was now a non-identifiable entity – “ANIMALS OF INDONESIA”.

What is MIKAIL the orphaned Orangutan if nothing than an “ANIMAL OF INDONESIA” in desperate need!??

Well who and what is Mikail the Orangutan in Sumatra?

Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group – an organization formed to identify, arrest and prosecute wildlife traffickers in Indonesia – knew about Mikail in December 2016 and produced a  sting video about Mikail and his deplorable conditions.  This information was subsequently passed on to Ms Rodriguez.

However,  we the “general public”  first heard about “Mikey” in April 2017 when a plea was made by Ms Rodriguez via her first fundraiser for the sun bears of Bandung Zoo, to donate towards helping him – Mikey.

What is of critical importance is to note that at this juncture Ms Rodriguez had already raised around $45,000 USD!!!!!!  Mikail’s circumstances were CRITICAL and VERY DIRE.  His mother had been attacked and brutally murdered, leaving “Mikey” contained and cramped within a tiny cage with no enrichment and no real life.  The most obvious question is thus why would Ms Rodriguez not dip into the $45,000 USD already raised to build a new enclosure for Mikey and provide him with the veterinary care, food, enrichment and life he so desperately needed?

mikand the orang in tiny cage

If you know anything about Orangutans you will know they are highly sociable, extremely intelligent little beings.  Mikail was already suffering the death of his mother!  Orangutans are known to DIE from stress and loneliness!

Suddenly, Ms Rodriguez then created a seperate, additional fundraiser for “Mikey” on 29 September 2017 and asked the public to donate towards a new enclosure and better life for this innocent being!

5 months ago she posted about the baby orangutan and asked for donations 1

appeal for mikey part 2

Confusingly, she had already asked for donations in April 2017 and the public kindly donated.  Now here was another fundraiser for the same purpose – for MIKAIL! How much had the public already donated and contributed to Mikey?  Nobody knows!


This time though the designated target amount was a grand total of $7,000 USD for a new enclosure!!!! 29 september fund raiser for mikand knew about him in april recipient is rralthough states wanicare will receive money and oversee enclosure all donations go directly to rebeccababy orang


Subsequently we found out, via Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group’s statement against Ms Rodriguez  that she had only pledged $375 towards helping Mikey!  Why then, the fundraiser for R7,000 USD?  This is all very distressing and confusing.


scorpion highlighing mikail need for 4000 so why fundraiser for 7000.JPG




Who is Barks of Hope really?



barksofhope in partnership with 2 orgs 1 in nj 1 in ny

By all accounts and per an in-depth investigation, it would seem Barks of Hope are doing a really good job of helping needy pets in Puerto Rico. With the advent of Hurricane Maria, things became even more desperate and urgent. Countless dogs and cats were abandoned and we have no doubt, Barks of Hope were inundated with emergency pleas. We cannot even imagine what they have endured. We thank them for their stellar work and tireless dedication to animals.

They partner with organizations in New Jersey and New York.

They continue to update their Facebook page and have a solid 7,000 followers. However, they stopped their blog in 2016. Officially they have 3 committee members and rely on volunteers to help run the kennels, pick up animals, address animal-related incidents. etc.

Why these facts are important, we will explain later

They have filed their tax returns every year since 2014, filing a 990. However, their 2017 tax return was due May 15,2017.

In 2014 their earnings were : <$50,000
In 2015 their earnings were : $86,000
In 2016 their earnings were : $139,105

What has REBECCA RODRIGUEZ got to do with BARKS OF HOPE?? What is the relationship? What is going on here?  Rebecca has now created a fundraising video for Barks of Hope!!   This is VERY suspicious indeed!

barks of hope fundraising video


1) Rebecca Rodriguez is ASKING FOR DONATIONS to be paid directly to HERSELF “on behalf of Barks of Hope”.  This is highly suspicious!

2) Rebecca Rodriguez created YET ANOTHER GFM fundraiser,https://www.gofundme.com/hurricane-maria-animal-fund with a goal of $20,000USD.


3) If Rebecca Rodriguez is considered a “subsidiary” of Barks of Hope, she does not have to declare this as income. Is she a subsidiary?  What is the official relationship between these 2

4) If Rebecca Rodriguez IS a subsidiary and is collecting public donations on behalf of Barks of Hope, how does the IRS even track/trace that money? In essence, how does Barks of Hope even track/trace that money?

5) Is Barks of Hope, operated by Leopoldina Roubian, declaring the income Rebecca Rodriguez raises in the USA?

6) How do Barks of Hope situated in Puerto Rico, know how much in donations Rebecca Rodriguez situated in Washington, USA is taking in? Do they have access to Rebecca’s bank records?

Rebecca states on her GFM that she will “send donations to Barks of Hope via Paypal or wire transfer.

7) Rebecca Rodriguez implies she is “not really affiliated with Barks of Hope, claiming “they contacted her, pleading for help”. We can and have established there is indeed a relationship between the 2 if not some type of partnership/subsidiary.

8) Rebecca Rodriguez registered the domain : www.barksofhope.us on 25 March 2016.

 9) The web domain : www.barksofhope.org was registered on 25 March 2011, hosted by GoDaddy. www.barksofhope.com was registered on the same day, again hosted by GoDaddy. Domain ownership is again hidden from public. Why

10) The web domain : www.barksofhope.org‘s ownership details are hidden from the public. Why? Interestingly enough, GoDaddy is yet again the host. We know Rebecca uses GoDaddy almost exclusively for domain registration.

 11) There are other ties between Barks of Hope and Rebecca  Rodriguez AND Alycia Hadfield Barlow who is one of the transfer partners in Pacific Northwest. It is clear there is an established relationship between all parties.


Why all the cloak and dagger?

Barks of Hope, from the outside, appear to be a 100% legitimate 501 (c) not for profit organization, working to help the animals of Puerto Rico.

 Unofficially they have “no ties” to Rebecca  Rodriguez

All the domain registrations and connections between Barks of Hope and Rebecca Rodriguez seem to imply a long-term relationship. Even more than “just a relationship”. Rebecca created a GFM for Barks of Hope where, once again, donations are paid directly to Rebecca. (There is an option to pay Barks of Hope directly but why would the donations go to Rebecca in any way, in the first place????)

What is actually going on here???

Who IS Barks of Hope

We invite Barks of Hope and Rebecca Rodriguez to address these issues and respond to the above. Or they can answer to the IRS!  Our intention is not to damage Barks of Hope.

 However, there is more to this story than meets the eye.

It it walks like a dog, barks like a dog, behaves like a dog……………… it’s a DOG!


Delusional, obsequious with God complex. P Ooi Holmes, read on!

We will help you with the meanings of these assertions, ok Poo?


(The tedious, on-going rants about Bandung Zoo are really starting to get boring, even amusing!  She actually believes the Indonesian Government and President are answerable to her.  Also believes Mayor of Bandung is answerable to her.  Somehow believes Cee4Life is answerable to her along with Sybelle Foxcroft!  Clear signs of delusional behavior)

poo and the camel

Obsequious sychophant with

(sychophant – a brownnoser – someone who will seek to please a person of authority in order to obtain some grace, usually the grace is something as simple as a pat on the bottom, but can vary greatly.)

#adulator#applepolisher#backscratcher#backslapper#bootlick#bootlicker#brownie#brownnoser#crawler#cringer#doormat#fan#fawner#flatterer#flunky#footlicker#glad-hander#gofer#groupie#groveler#handshaker#hanger-on#lackey#lap-dog#lickspittle#minion#parasite#politician#puppet#slave#sniveler#spaniel#sponger#stooge#toadeater#toady#truckler#water boy#yes-man)


(The God complex is defined as a psychological state of mind in which a person believes that they have supernatural powers or god-like abilities. The person generally believes they are above the rules of society and should be given special consideration.)

Oh dear, Poo Poo Poo!

Around 98% of your slanderous, factually incorrect petition to close Bandung Zoo is totally made up rubbish AND what is worse is you KNOW IT! The public is starting to get it too! And just FYI your petition is going in the bin where it belongs! What a waste of paper!  And the members of the public are slowly but surely starting to catch on!  “Bandung Zoo is not Surabaya Zoo” and “Where is the money you raised?”

louise watson saying this insnt surabaya zoo and what are you doing with the money you raised

Unemployed, unqualified (as in ZERO qualifications), unprofessional, inexperienced, “artist” nobody (actually sounds like someone else we know……..) from Malaysia feeding squirrels and raccoons


who ACTUALLY BELIEVES an entire country is answerable to her! See, delusional God-complex! And who has never set foot in Bandung Zoo or Bandung for that matter!


Indonesia is not answerable to you, dear.
Bandung Zoo is also not answerable to you, dear.
Cee4Life is not answerable to you, dear.

Ms Holmes also alleges, among other things, that Cee4Life and it’s supporters are racist and sexist!  We don’t think Ms Poo knows the definition of these words.  What a grossly inaccurate and nonsense statement!  Ms Poo looks more ridiculous every passing day!

poo edit history calling us racist and sexist“We called Ms Poo a racist because she spoke for the animals in Indonesia” – see above.  Have you completely lost your mind?  That doesn’t even make sense.  Like most of your dithering comments!  You were called a racist for speaking up for animals?  Please use your trusted Wikipedia and Google sources before writing such utter nonsense!

It’s a fact that multiple individuals are married across “color lines” ie caucasian married to a black individual or caucasian married to an Indonesian individual.  Hardly the actions of “racists”!  But ok!

say it its not true

Then she calls Cee4Life and it’s supporters sexist.  This is a really bizarre statement.  Many supporters are females yet they are also sexist?  It’s really confusing!  Ms Poo needs to get onto the internet ASAP but for ease of reference, here are the definitions :

racist definition

and then

sexist definition

P Ooi Holmes you are behaving like a slathering, frothing, insane individual!  We seriously suggest some kind of pscyhological intevention.  This behavior does not seem to be the behavior of a stable person.  Also, your “information source” is bizarre.

I know that’s hard for you to understand! But trust us, it’s the truth! Nobody owes YOU an explanation about ANYTHING! Please let us know if you decide to sign up for University somewhere and start studying zoology or animal husbandry or some academic qualification with regard to animals, animal welfare, sun bears, camels, lions etc. etc. We could actually take you seriously then but for now, toodles sychophantic, slanderous rots!!!!!!

covering eyes

Remember them?

reaching up for food sun bear  mikand the orang in tiny cage



Liar Liar Pants on Fire! Rebecca Rodriguez DID register the domain names! Claims who moi?


Shhhhhh it was the “Animal Rescue Deceivers” fairy who did it!

 ard nope 5ard nope 7ard nope 6ard nope 4ard nope 3ard nope 2ard nope 1

LOL!!!! Tsk tsk tsk.  Now who is calling whom a liar?! Tsk tsk tsk.  Rebecca you wouldn’t lie would you???? 😉


According to Ms Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal Rescue Deceivers, she did not and has never registered certain individual’s domain names!  We surmise it was the fairy who did it!  The “Animal Rescue Deceivers” fairy!  Of course it was!


Hmmmm, who is Animal Rescue Deceivers?  Why Ms Rodriguez, by her own admission!

proof animal rescue deceivers is rebecca rodriguez

She DID buy several individual’s domain names but then realizing the significant legal ramifications of such a serious, illegal crime, ie that of IDENTITY THEFT, the domain registrations were quickly dumped!  After several days the “domain registrations” became available.  Whilst registering all these individual’s identities, there was a small snafu!  Ms Rodriguez slipped up and forgot to register http://www.brionywolf.com but did in fact remember to register http://www.brionywolf.net .  Luckily, the mistake was picked up and the rightful owner apparently immediately registered her own .com before it could be abused by Ms Rodriguez.

It was then later on Ms Rodriguez went to http://www.whois.net and entered all the individual’s domain names, which showed as “AVAILABLE”!  Tsk tsk tsk!  Naughty naughty!

Here are the screenshots of some of the domain names registered by none other than “The League of ANIMAL RESCUE DECEIVERS“!  0

sybellefoxcroft.net tie the league of animal rescue deceivers

celiaathumani.net animal rescue deceivers

brionywolf.net registration1

celiaathumani.com with red highlight

Tsk Tsk Tsk! Bad fairies!




The venom and the response

Best of the Worst from the smear blogs, Facebook pages and DMs posted and maintained by Rebecca Rodriguez


Poo Holmes


and Alycia Hadfield

alycia at steps beach in puerto rico

and of course their lovely friends whose “integrity” and “honesty” is revealed in various posts… Do these posts reveal the actions and words of true animal advocates or visible animal heroes who are working to HELP animals? (threats courtesy of various people from across the world, thanks to the hatred and targeted ongoing harassment incited by said individuals and their accomplices.

more s ybelle bashing

tallia calling sybelle a cunt

 There is simply way too many screenshots of all the abuse.  We could fill 100 volumes easily! Are these the actions of victims feigning “being attacked” and “harassed”? Or are these the actions of individuals out for blood for their own nefarious reasons?

They don’t seem to care who gets hurt as a result of their targeted harassment and abuse.

Their victims have undergone all sorts of attacks from menacing death threats via mail and phone, being followed and photographed, attempts to hack into icloud devices, twitter and facebook accounts……  All of this because a certain “animal advocate” refuses to be honest.

It’s very, very sad and their actions are dangerous and extreme.

Laughable that these individuals consider themselves “animal advocates” and “visible animal heroes”! Are you joking?????

Pretending to want to “help animals”, raising funds to “help animals” and then spending the donations on international travel for certain best friends, eating at nice restaurants and lying on the beaches in Puerto Rico for almost a month!  Yeah right, “real” animal advocates for sure!

My Response to All Accusations and Claims…

Will be upcoming shortly.  Stay tuned.


14 months of harassment with no end in sight!

Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal House : Around the World, her accomplices – and the story of the Sun Bears of Bandung Zoo and the mystery of the missing donations!

fuglyThis investigation began because the GoFundMe fundraiser for the sun bears of Bandung Zoo, created by Ms Rebecca Rodriguez was closed on 29 December 2017.

None of the GFM funds are accounted for, nor is there an accurate tally of total donations received of direct contributions. To date, not a single named beneficiary has received even $1 from this fundraiser. Where is the fiscal accountability? Simply, where has the money disappeared to?

This is a complicated, convoluted story spanning the globe, multiple individuals and organizations. We trust you will stay on this journey with us as it might seem tedious at times.

The massive plans and deception perpetrated needs to be unveiled as scamming the public with concerns of “animals in crisis situations” to raise donations has reached epidemic proportions.

This is about identifying the underlying motives of people who consider themselves “animal advocates” or “visible animal heroes” who seem to be saying one thing to the public, but doing the opposite in reality.

rebecca in puerto rico suntanned with bathing suit on

This is about Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal Worldhttp://www.oneanimalworld.com initially registered as a for-profit company and subsequently registered as a charity “One Animal World Foundation”. More to come on the explanation of the widespread manipulation of various intermingled companies, organizations, LLCs and charities.

Ms Rodriguez used a 2 years old video and related pictures of “starving” sun bears of Bandung Zoological Gardens and other animals to spearhead her fundraiser, allegedly for the animals featured in said video.

donate to sunbears or directly to one animal world
The GoFundMe fundraiser for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” –

fundraiser for

hitched onto the back of a Change.org petition started several months ago for the President of Indonesia to shut down Bandung Zoo –

president widodo shut down bandung zoo now

Both the GoFundMe fundraiser and the Change.org petition are severely and fatally flawed with massive, purposeful, fraudulent, slanderous information and alleged “facts”. These platforms were used to manipulate the public into donating to fund a mission that was dishonest and to bolster a petition that was mendacious and misleading. Furthermore, the video footage used was a sting video produced by an Indonesian-based wildlife trafficking organization -Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group. The sting video of the “starving Sun Bears of Bandung Zoo” was produced in June 2016! More on this organization later.

The factually incorrect and slanderous petition created by Ms W P Ooi Holmes of Ben Avon, Pennsylvania which is nearing 1 million signatures, and the conjoined factually incorrect and slanderous GoFundMe fundraiser created by Rebecca Rodriguez of La Center, Washington, has inspired and incited continued, purposeful and on-going worldwide hatred of the Bandung Zoo in Indonesia, a registered Australian organisation named, Conservation and Environmental Education 4 Life (Cee4life http://www.cee4life.org), Taman Safari Bogor, the country of Indonesia, the city of Bandung, volunteers and multiple supporters of CEE4Life.

The big question is obviously WHY would these 2 individuals create and set up such a seemingly devious and cunning plan?  And why target a Zoo who is clearly committed to improving conditions at the Zoo and for it’s animals?  There are 61 zoos in all of Indonesia.  Bandung Zoo is currently rated 14 out of 61.  Why this zealous specific targeted attack???

Well, simplistically, to understand the plan you have to unmask the individuals behind these 2 critical acts. Our focus will be specifically on the 2 identified individuals initially – Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes and later on, Ms Rodriguez’s other accomplices.

Who is P Holmes (aka W P Ooi Holmes, Py Holmes, Ooi Holmes, Pyoh Holmes, Poo Holmes and several variations of that name), the Change.org petition organizer?


Our investigation led us to uncover a Malaysian individual residing in Pennsylvania who appeared to be a serial petition writer and organizer. Further investigation revealed Ms Holmes has no formal or informal qualifications regarding animal welfare or any specialized knowledge of Indonesian animals. She apparently likes sewing and gardening. It can be inferred thus, Ms Holmes would not be qualified to create or update on an Indonesian Zoo she has never even visited or “animal issues” at said Zoo and is not competent, practiced or proficient to do so.


Furthermore, even on her opening statement on the original content of her Change.org petition- it seems Ms Holmes purposefully laced the petition with outright, blatant lies and misinformation! For instance, the giraffe that died with 40lbs of trash in it’s stomach was not at Bandung Zoological Gardens. The giraffe was at Surabaya Zoological Gardens.  Wrong Zoo!



Also, Ms Holmes wrote “The Bandung Zoo has been coined Indonesia’s death Zoo”! This is also incorrect. It is “Surabaya Zoo” that was given that moniker.  Wrong Zoo!


To further her agenda of hatred towards Bandung Zoological Gardens and the work of Cee4Life.org, Ms Holmes created a fake page on Facebook and purposefully conjoined Bandung Zoological Gardens with Surabaya Zoo. This promoted supplementary loathing of Bandung Zoo. Surabaya Zoo has one of the worst reputations of any Zoo in Indonesia. By intermingling the two, Ms Holmes purposefully fanned the flames of hatred.

We also established that Ms Holmes, purposefully directed members of the public to leave bad reviews for Bandung Zoo.

fake bz page

Why would anyone do such a hateful and illegal thing?


Note the carefully crafted, specific wording of multiple (majority) reviews. It is all identical. How did multiple individuals, spanning the globe, come up with the exact same wording in their “independent review”?
There is clear evidence of a horrible conspiracy purposefully to defame Bandung Zoo and it’s associates!

“This is horrid place and does not deserve to be called a “zoo.” Animals are in awful conditions, starving and so unhealthy, and are expected to live their lives like this. All people who care and support creatures on our planet need to call for the immediate release and relocation of these creatures to safe preserves where they may live out their lives in an environment conducive to their well-being. This Indonesian zoo in Bandung is a total disgrace and the people who run it and their government ought to be punished accordingly. Can you IMAGINE emaciated bears begging for food from people who go to this zoo? STOP going to this zoo. The circumstances are torturous for the zoo’s inhabitants. The filth and squalor the animals are forced to survive in also forces them to wait for death to give them any relief. Beyond disgusting, this is abhorrent, reprehensible, inexcusable, indefensible and totally unjustifiable to treat these living creatures in such a cruel manner. This zoo must be closed.”

Apparently, despite repeated attempts to advise Ms Holmes (and Ms Rodriguez) that her Petition was grossly misleading, factually incorrect, slanderous and defamatory, she persisted. It’s also confusing to note this petition was started many, many months ago but only seemed to gain traction when it was joined to Ms Rodriguez’s fundraiser.

We can only surmise that infamy and acknowledgement of her existence is behind Ms Holme’s Petition. Or, she might have been promised either access to a certain percentage of Ms Rodriguez’s fundraiser or to appear in a film produced by Ms Rodriguez. We simply cannot understand this apparently irrational relationship nor the real intentions of Ms Holmes.

Who is Rebecca Rodriguez (Rebecca A. Rodriguez, Beccy Rodriguez, Beccy Tomzak and several variations of those names) the GoFundMe fundraiser creator/organizer?

alycia and rr in bed

This is an extremely complicated investigation, unravelling multiple registered organizations and charities and spans 20 years.

Ms Rodriguez, we discovered, is a self-proclaimed “animal advocate”, “critically acclaimed” filmmaker and aspiring actress and also apparently aspiring “visible animal hero”.

Research revealed she has no qualifications pertaining to wildlife, wildlife rescue, animal rehabilitation, animal welfare or Indonesia or Indonesian wildlife. The truth is there no evidence of any recognized animal-welfare experience whatsoever. We have ascertained she left school at age 16.

Her main impetus has been focused on attempts to appear on TV by producing TV/Film content on animal-related issues via various platforms, namely appearing in video production on YouTube and producing one sizzle reel called “Animal House”, also released via YouTube, on rebuilding an animal shelter hopefully for widespread TV production and dissemination.

We uncovered one of her “critically acclaimed” films was about a floating piece of poo in a toilet bowl that could not or would not be flushed away! It’s a film called “Floater” produced in 2000. Another supposed “critically acclaimed” film was “Soul Collectors”. This is a film about 2 men named Phil and Ed who attempt to convince a woman that she is dead. Both these films were produced in one week-end!

She had limited acknowledgement for the lacklustre films she produced over several years. In 2015 Ms Rodriguez produced a sizzle reel for an idea she had to rebuild failing animal shelters/pounds. She based this on an idea from 1989 when she assisted the people on the island of Guam. This was produced under the name of “Animal House”. The idea was being submitted to Animal Planet and NatGeo to potentially create and produce an entire series of the same name. Neither TV production companies picked up the idea and it was binned due to lack of interest. We have also learnt Ms Rodriguez recently approached Animal Planet again, proferring the “Animal House” idea.  Again, it has been binned.

Subsequent investigations revealed a troubling jumble of bewilderment by individuals associated with the production of “Animal House”. Several individuals were targeted and threatened with legal action by Ms Rodriguez for their truthful unveiling of what can only be described as a quagmire of falsehoods and confusion by staff on the set of “Animal House” and other individuals who questioned the integrity and honesty of her various fundraising platforms and film production goals. Why this is important we will reveal later.

wildlifeplanet twitter rr also threatening to sue them
stephanie buck

One such lady who worked with Ms Rodriguez on the “set” of “Animal House” was Ms Sandy Dye Carbaugh who publically vented on Facebook about all she had endured by being affiliated with Ms Rodriguez and working on this project.


However, to fully understand who Ms Rodriguez really is, one has to investigate her past efforts to raise funds to underwrite her ideas and ultimate goal of appearing on television.

We researched further and found several such platforms and attempts to raise funds.

We found http://www.femaleoutrage.com, which has subsequently been removed from the world-wide web. However, trace of it can still be seen. Ms Rodriguez wanted the public to fund her march to Washington for women’s rights. It has been determined nobody donated and the idea quickly disappeared from the public foray.


We then stumbled upon the use of the site http://www.patreon.com wherein once again, Ms Rodriguez under the guise of “One Animal World” asked the public to donate to fund her “love of animals”!

patreon begging for money

Again it can be noted no funds were donated by any member of the public. Generally, “animal advocates” are self-funded and work with and for animals without trying to raise capital to do it.

We then uncovered “Animal Centric” via “Animal Time TV” in 2015 on YouTube, using the search terminology “Animal House TV”. This once again featured Ms Rodriguez with her best friend  Ms Alycia Barlow Hadfield, again calling for funds using the Patreon platform : http://www.patreon.com/animalcentric

animal centric patreon
animal centric is rr and alycia

Again, it should be noted no funds were donated by any member of the public. Please also note the limited number of “views” – a clear indication said individuals were not known by the public and definitely not popular. They appeared to simply be again, 2 “animal advocates” trying to produce film on “animal issues” and attempting to raise funds to do so. Apparently the public didn’t seem very responsive or interested in her proposed ideas and projects she was trying to get off the ground.

Currently in existence is another GoFundMe fundraiser created by Ms Rebecca Rodriguez. It is purportedly to assist the animals left behind after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
It can be found here : https://www.gofundme.com/hurricane-maria-animal-fund
barks of hope ss

We also have stumbled upon a strange relationship with Barks of Hope based in Puerto Rico for which Ms Rodriguez also accepts direct payment/contributions. How does Barks of Hope keep track of donations made to Ms Rodriguez? How does IRS track these donations? Why would Barks of Hope allow an individual supposedly not recognized as an affiliate legally, to accept money on their behalf?

There is also clear evidence of Ms Rodriguez being behind the http://www.barksofhope.us web domain registration, further proof of their established “relationship”. This is a strange dynamic that needs to be closely examined. It would appear Ms Rodriguez is much more involved with Barks of Hope and their may be some kind of quid-pro-co association.  We cannot understand the relationship but it needs to be investigated.

The Barks of Hope situation expose will be revealed via a different report.

barks of hope gffm
Thus, throughout her life Ms Rodriguez has attempted on multiple occasions to raise public donations to fund her lifestyle and filmmaking dreams and endeavours to appear on television. All of these previous attempts show a disconcerting pattern of behaviour, but more importantly reveals that, until Ms Rodriguez used the video of the “starving sun Bears of Bandung Zoo” and created a fundraiser on their behalf, she remained, simply, one more “animal advocate” in a pile of activists. Essentially, she is merely an unknown individual living in Washington, USA.

Rebecca A. Rodriguez’s multiple, complicated, inter-linked “names”, “web sites”, “Facebook Pages”, “LLC registrations”, “Twitter Accounts” and more, all seemingly created to provide Ms Rodriguez with an air of authority and competency and apparently, an easy way to confuse a willing public. For ease of reference, we will try and list these all alphabetically. Please note, a number of these items have been edited and updated and continue to be updated over time causing further confusion. Still more have been deleted or unpublished.

Animal CentricFormed with Alycia Barlow Hadfield of Vancouver, Washington.

animal centric
Animal House on Facebook
animal house back from mexico

Animal House TV
animal house tv
Animal House TV/Animal House Gen 1
animal house gen 1
Animal House InternationalFormed with Tracy Kleber, a United States citizen currently residing in Fasano, Italy.

 Animal Time TV – Owned and operated by Ms Rodriguez to produce “quality entertainment for awesome, animal people”.

original animal time tv
And revamped and updated to :
animal time and animal house about its rebecca and alycia now
Animal House TV
animal house tv
Animals of Indonesia on Facebook – disbanded after “mission” failed.

One Animal World – first listed as a subsidiary of RebRod LLC – a for profit company owned and operated by Ms Rodriguez assimilated donations from her GoFundMe fundraiser for the sun bears and other named beneficiaries, despite registering a Charity on 3rd February 2017prior to the creation of the fundraiser for the sun bears – which would have attached very specific conditions and fudiciary accountability as required under the Charity laws in the USA.

one animal world FOR PROFIT

Exactly why did Ms Rodriguez not make use of “One Animal World Foundation” Charity to amass the donations from http://www.gofundme.com/animalsofindonesia ? It would appear she purposefully used “One Animal World” and “RebRod LLC” specifically. These are very important questions with serious implications and are critical and vital evidence as to her real intentions and integrity.
oaw in the begining

The name “One Animal World” and it’s associated web pages and Facebook accounts have been updated to make use of the “Charity” status vs a business known just as “One Animal World”. Why this is important will be revealed later.

Then Rebecca Rodriguez created a Charity based in Washington named “One Animal World Foundation” in early February 2017.  See above.

And is now calling for further donations to the now registered “One Animal World Foundation” Charity. The public have now unwittingly been led to believe that their donations previously given for http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia was given to a Charity which adds a form of safety and implies legitimacy and accountability, and not a for-profit company with the same name.

Ms Rodriguez continues to use http://www.oneanimalworld.com but it no longer references in any way, the original “One Animal World”’s for profit status!
one animal world donate to REGISTERED CHARITY
Ostensibly having confused the public, Ms Rodriguez via http://www.oneanimalworld.com has switched to high gear and has highly publicized the Charity status and asks for donations for some already completed and finalized projects.
Why would she be asking for donations to fund goals already finalized?

For instance “Building a reading house in Sumatra”. This project was already finished/completed around November 2017 last year. All trace of the actual building and construction of the reading house in Aceh Sumatra in conjunction with Scorpion Monitor Org has been removed by Ms Rodriguez.
since returning from indo we have done reading house

Yet now asking for donations for the “reading house” under “projects

oaw donate to reading house in sumatra with date

Also, other projects are being “highlighted” and Ms Rodriguez is calling for funds for the dogs of Fasano Italy.
one animal world current projects dogs of fasano with date
It has been ascertained by independent reports that Ms Rodriguez has no direct impact or involvement with said dogs. Why would Ms Rodriguez attempt to raise funds for a shelter in Fasano Italy that will not and cannot accept her supposed purported offer when there isn’t one?
tiberio animal house international mayor zaccaria of fasano

Ms Rodriguez wrote that she had spent several months working to inspire/work with the Mayor of Fasano and there were individuals who had “undermined her influence”! Ms Rodriguez had no influence and continues to have no influence on the dogs of Fasano Italy. Yet she continues to insist under her current One Animal World projects section, wherein she asks you to donate, that she is somehow involved with this issue. She is not in any way involved with the building of a new Pound and has zero influence over the Mayor.
animal house stating 600 000 euros and mayor zaccaria when will politicians ever learnt that, the cover up is always worst than the ccrime wries poo holmes
The Mayor of Fasano has had no dealings with Ms Rodriguez whatsoever and has spoken out and released a public statement regarding the 150 dogs currently being held in the pound including current and future developments.
the mayors statement regarding the kennel

Thus is must be again inferred that this a ploy to target the public with gut-wrenching tails of abuse and neglect, whilst raising funds for fabricated “projects” that will never transpire.

It seems to us that Ms Rodriguez and her associate Ms Holmes truly believes they are in a position of power and hold authority over other countries, their Mayors and oftentimes their Presidents!

There is even a fundraiser plea to support Ms Rodriguez’s activities as a “foster parent” under “projects”! Yes really. We unearthed this whilst analysing her latest update on the page http://www.oneanimalworld.com

Again, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of individuals all over the world who foster animals. They do not ask for donations to do so. This is done as a “sign of love” and commitment to animals.

This exact same ploy has been used under “Animal Centric”!

And then there’s the NEW “Indonesian” mission. Ms Rodriguez asks you to donate in order to produce educational materials on humane education (whatever that means but implies FILM PRODUCTION), “speciality projects” (whatever that really means, more FILM PRODUCTION) and “pressure campaigns” (and again yet more FILM PRODUCTION) – we assume some kind of watchdog group PRODUCING FILM and TV SERIES, but really, what does that mean precisely?
oaw donate to indonesia mission with date

We also wonder what happened to Ms Rodriguez’s claims that she was “building a new enclosure for 2 sun bears named Tegan and Bedhu”, for which she happily called for and embraced public’s donations for this project.

Currently the new sun bear enclosure for Tegan and Behu does not even feature under One Animal World’s current projects.

Very troubling indeed.  Nobody even knows if these bears are real as they are at an “undisclosed location” in the jungle somewhere.

What areas of expertise is Ms Rodriguez qualified to act as a “watchdog group” for Indonesia? We have scrutinized all records and Ms Rodriguez has absolutely no qualifications and more worryingly, no experience whatsoever with “Indonesian animals” that would ordinarily be required for someone to assimilate, analyse and scrutinize conditions of animals in Indonesia.

Also, none of her “team” members she flew to Bandung Zoo Indonesia, have any related qualifications whatsoever either. We fail to understand why Ms Rodriguez believes she is competent to analyse anything with regard to Indonesia!

Ms Rodriguez in her earlier GoFundMe campaign made some highly idiotic and ridiculous claims and embarrassing statements. For instance, apparently there was a sun bear who appeared to be lactating at Bandung Zoo, but no cub seen, there were 28 zoos in Indonesia (there are 61). The sun bears apparently were starving and eating their own feces.  She made numerous embarrassing snafus exposing her lack of professional education and credentials.  Her alleged, current projects are purposefully misleading and no precise, unambiguous, well-laid out plans are listed for which she can be held accountable.

The only manner in which Ms Rodriguez can gain access to Indonesian Zoos, illegal wildlife trafficking markets and animal exploitation in the country of Indonesia is if she coughs up a large sum of money for her “investigative spies” on the ground, the same ones that she admitted to sending to Bandung Zoo last year. We have been advised Ms Rodriguez is currently being investigated in Indonesia by Authorities who were approached by Bandung Zoo officials regarding the fundraiser.
A complete look at the multiple LLCs registered by Ms Rodriguez.  Please note all data and information we have assembled is already in the public domain and is not considered private :
all rebeccas llc registrations
An in-depth analysis into the goals and objectives of the GoFundMe fundraiser :

Firstly, of critical importance, pre-dating the creation of http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia, both Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes received communiqué from independent Wildlife organizations based both in the UK and USA, that the sun bears of Bandung Zoo were not and had never been starving in early 2017.

They were also further informed that both PKBSI – Indonesian Zoo and Aquariums government arm and Taman Safari Bogor together with an Australian-based NGO named Cee4Life.org were already working to improve the conditions of the animals of Bandung Zoo, including the sun bears. Massive enclosure upgrades were underway and pivotal educational programmes were being held. Multiple aspects of Bandung Zoological Gardens were undergoing modernisation and advancement.

Secondly, Ms Rodriguez’s GoFundMe fundraiser for Bandung Zoo was never sanctioned by the owners and management of Bandung Zoo. In fact, nobody in the “animal world” had ever even heard the name of Ms Rodriguez. She was unknown in USA and most certainly unknown in Indonesia!
We don’t know about you, reading this report, but try raising funds for the animals being rescued by Four Paws or PETA without their prior knowledge and or consent.  I’m sure in no time at all you would be investigated for fraud.  Also, we are quite sure legally, you would be forced to hand over any donations you had acquired on their behalf or spend time behind bars!

In fact, it came to Bandung Zoo’s attention that Ms Rodriguez had created a fundraiser for the animals of Bandung Zoo who then in turn reached out to the Australian-based NGO, Cee4Life.org – the zoo’s English-speaking partner – to communicate with Ms Rodriguez and ask if she would partner with them to expedite the upgrades and improvements being undertaken by the Zoo. Cee4Life.org at no time asked Ms Rodriguez to hand over the funds directly.

Thirdly, Ms Rodriguez named the fundraiser platform after the sun bears, she repeatedly and specifically used the terminology “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” on Twitter for instance and also used by her colleagues repeatedly stating “Please donate to the starving sun bears” and promoted the sting video produced in June 2016 by Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group along with imagery of the “dire conditions” for the sun bears.  Please read through the updates very carefully about specifically how the money would be for the benefit of the sun bears and animals!
gfm 11 stating now there are even more funds available for the animals because air travel coveredgfm update 9 money will be used for enclosure repairs and immediate needs like foodgfm update 7 we need money to address immediate needs of the animals
Furthermore, she claimed the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” would receive vital and critical assistance. The sun bears were repeatedly and obviously named as the beneficiary of the campaign. At one point Ms Rodriguez even claimed “the sun bears appreciate you”.
donate to sunbears or directly to one animal world

The resulting commentary by the public on the GoFundMe platform, also added a level of corroboration that in general, people donating assumed their funds would somehow be specifically given or utilized for and on behalf of the sun bears of Bandung Zoo!
poo i donated to help the starving sun bears
alycia tweeting proof campaign is for sun bears and animals of indonesia
Fourthly, what is absolutely vital to note is nobody other than Ms Rodriguez’s “team” were privy to the real plans and intentions of the fundraiser and what the real motives were “to assist the sun bears of Bandung Zoo”! This is of highly critical significance as it reveals Ms Rodriguez never, ever intended to part with $1 to directly assist the starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo.
funds will be spent

We are now fully aware why Ms Rodriguez refused to join with Cee4Life.org and Bandung Zoo. She created a fabricated, carefully-crafted “reason of refusal” after a “strange offer of help” as to why the $45000 raised at the time could not be given for the benefit of the sun bears. Confusingly, the sun bears’ enclosure was about to be upgraded so if Ms Rodriguez didn’t want to “hand over the funds directly” as she alleged, citing possible misuse of the funds, why wouldn’t she pay directly for building materials and associated costs with contruction of the new enclosure? She attached several new contingent terms and conditions with regard to the funds. These t & c’s were never mentioned on the initial fundraiser. Even with the “new contingent terms and conditions” Ms Rodriguez could easily have assisted the sun bears if those were her real intentions! (ie the sun bear enclosure building and upgrade). Furthermore, Ms Rodriguez may not withhold the donations from the named beneficiary/ies. It is not in her legal capacity to do so under GoFundMe’s t & c.

Ms Rodriguez claims Bandung Zoo refused her offer!  Why would Bandung Zoo say no to $45 000 when they had almost immediate plans to upgrade the sun bear’s enclosures? (And the Elephant enclosures and the Tiger enclosures!) That would seem totally illogical!
gofundme you cannot lie or not deliver funds to beneficiary

Unbeknown to the public, Cee4Life.org and Bandung Zoo, Ms Rodriguez had “other plans” for the funds she raised. The truth is Ms Rodriguez never wanted to part with donations unless she could do so on her terms. What did that mean?  At that time the tally stood around $45000 excluding direct contributions. Ms Rodriguez’s plans were only uncovered when her associate/team member and Change.org petition creator Ms P Holmes, revealed via Twitter, the actual objectives.
Ms Rodriguez’s real plans were never to utilize the funds to directly help the sun bears. Her real intentions were to facilitate the removal and relocation of the sun bears to sanctuaries in the USA and turn the story into a TV/film production.

This claim is further backed up by an analysis of her “team members” and the succeeding, on-going changes to the GoFundMe fundraiser of which the beneficiaries and plans seemingly changed before our very eyes. More on the “team members” later.
poo stating release sun bears of bandungpoo independent film maker in indonesia nowpoos agenda with rr re the sun bearspoo sun bears to sanctuary in usa

We now had hard proof that Ms Rodriguez, using cleverly worded updates, posted on http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia and regurgitated via Ms P Holmes’s Change.org petition to close Bandung Zoo, never, ever had any intention whatsoever of really assisting the Bandung Zoo’s sun bears!
The campaign continually changed.
Even the original wording from the campaign’s inception was changed repeatedly to cover up certain promises and claims by Ms Rodriguez. The campaign “evolved” throughout it’s history. The named beneficiaries throughout the campaign were :
1) “Starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”
2) “animals of Bandung Zoo”
3) Mikey (Mikail) the orphaned juvenile Orangutan based in Sumatra at Kandi Wildlife Park
4) “animals of Indonesia” an unidentifiable, unrecognized, ambiguous “entity”
5) New enclosure construction for “Tegan and Bedhu” at some secret location

There is undoubtedly absolute confirmation that these funds were earmarked for the Sun Bears. The campaign however, suddenly “evolved” when Ms Rodriguez’s attempts at removing the sun bears were thwarted when she was denied access to Bandung Zoo.
Not only did Ms Rodriguez ask for donations to be given for the sun bears and animals at Bandung Zoo, she specifically updated the fundraiser with a pleas for multiple animals using random pictures of Tiger cubs and Elephants and also asked for funds/donations to be given for an abandoned, juvenile orangutan named Mikey (Mikail) situate at Kandi Wildlife Park in Sumatra and sun bears Tegan and Bedhu.
please donate for mikeyappeal for mikey part 2

We do not know how much the public gave believing their funds would benefit Mikey either in http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia campaign or in the subsequent fundraiser Ms Rodriguez created for Mikey. We unravelled even more worrying information regarding what specifically the funds “earmarked for Mikey” actually entailed!
Ms Rodriguez started a separate fundraiser for an on behalf of Mikey with a goal of $7000.
Again, of critical importance to note is Ms Rodriguez’s GoFundMe campaign had reached almost $50000 in donations and an additional approximately $10000 in direct contributions. She was in a direct position of funding the new enclosure for Mikey in its entirety without further delay. She ignored his desperate plea for help and kept all the donations given to assist him!
mikand the orang in tiny cage
Furthermore it was subsequently discovered that a full enclosure upgrade for Mikey would only cost around $3700. So why the fundraising target of $7000?
Finally, Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group who had been associated with Ms Rodriguez published that Ms Rodriguez had only pledged a total of $375 to Mikey!!!!!!!!!! This again raising the alarming question of why Ms Rodriguez needed $7000? We infer that Ms Rodriguez had plans to film the construction and upgrade of an enclosure for Mikey which would entail the costs of Ms Rodriguez’s “team members” associated with such a production.
scorpion highlighing mikail need for 4000 so why fundraiser for 7000
To date, none of the beneficiaries named in Ms Rodriguez’s various GoFundMe campaigns has been given or are in receipt of any of the funds.

Ms Rodriguez has served, via the internet, “cease and desist” orders to her whistleblowers. Ms Rodriguez even apparently accused said whistleblowers of extortion! To be clear, we should point out that holding someone accountable for the promises they made and their legal obligations in terms of a fundraiser is NOT extortion!

What is the purpose of a fundraiser?

A fundraiser is created to raise public donations to fund named beneficiaries.

What is the purpose of naming a beneficiary?

A beneficiary is named so the public may clearly identify the “receiver” (beneficiary) of money donated. Usually either specifically identified animals or individuals they are donating to.

Legally, a campaign organizer has to fulfil their obligations.

The organizer many not “pick and choose” which of the named beneficiaries may or may not receive donations given by the public.

If the organizer raised funds for and on behalf of specifically identified entities, the organizer must realize these obligations.

The organizer may also not privately profit from the fundraiser.

Thus, holding Ms Rodriguez legally accountable for her obligations in terms of this fundraiser, is not and can never be considered extortion!
Via http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia

Ms Rodriguez raised a total of $53 531.

It is unknown at this time how much was raised in direct contributions. We do know that around the $11 500 mark, $2500 was received via direct contributions.

We assume, therefore an approximate additional $12500 has been received by Ms Rodriguez, also unaccounted for.


rr stating x from gfm and x from direct contributions
Summary thus far of the illegitimate GoFundMe fundraiser and flawed Change.org Petition :
GoFundMe violations :

Misleading statements
Changing beneficiaries
Funds not delivered to beneficiaries
No defamation of organizations and individuals is allowed
Privately profiting from fundraiser
No violation of international and local law
Change.org violations :

Misleading statements
Defamation of organizations and individuals
No hate speech allowed
No violation of privacy of others
No bullying
No violation of international and local law

Who are Ms Rodriguez’s professional “team members for her “Indonesian mission”?

Her “team members” are actually a collection of friends with whom she worked on the sizzle reel of “Animal House”.

Who are these “qualified team of experts” and what are their fields of relevant expertise and training with regard to Indonesia and Indonesian animals, if any? Most are completely unknown and unheard of in the animal welfare arena.

Alycia Hadfield aka Alycia Barlow Hadfield is another “team member”.
Qualifications? Zero! Ms Barlow operates “Pacific Animal Society” an almost completely unknown organization in Washington. She is not really known in the animal welfare community. She does love animals, so I guess that makes her an expert.
“Dr” Daniel Allen – is an “Otter specialist” residing in the UK. He is also, by his own admission, not opposed to Zoos! One immediately garners respect for this person as he’s a “Doctor” right? Nope! Not in the “medical sense”! He has a PhD in human geography! It gets better. “Daniel’s doctoral research explored, ‘The cultural and historical geographies of otter hunting in Britain, 1830-1939’ and he is referred to as “The Otter Man for obvious reasons.
dr daniel allen bio

Miguel Abi-Hassan has a degree in occupational psychology. However, an occupational psychologist is someone who studies the behaviour of people at work. We have no idea what this has to do with animals.
Also Hassan, in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Halifax Humane Society is involved in an investigation into “missing rabbits” who are thought to have been given to a “predator facility” as food.

Internationally, Rebecca Rodriguez’s actions and intentions have been publically questioned with regards to her Sun Bears’ campaign and people all over the world are finally paying attention! Ms Rodriguez seems to believe if she disappears behind a veil of silence she has no accountability to fulfil her obligations either legally or morally.

Latest independent news and expose of Ms Rodriguez can be found here –






Purposeful and deliberate act of cruelty against Ozone the Orangutan from Bandung Zoo!

The world awoke to a new “sting video” being taken and disseminated by none other than recently removed Marison Guciano of Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group, now working with Indonesian Animal Welfare Society or IAWS as it’s known, founded by none other than Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World and Marison Guciano.

A cowardly and deliberate act of cruelty against Ozone the Orangutan at Bandung Zoo.  How low will people go?  Apparently to the depths of hell.

marison with cigarette

A disgusting, premeditated attack of blatant, wanton animal cruelty perpetrated against an innocent animal needs to be scrutinized and the individuals behind it prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  There are individuals who are trying desperately to gain a stranglehold on Bandung Zoo and get their organization IAWS in and Cee4Life out!  The depths to which they will sink are being revealed before the world’s eyes!

By Guciano’s own admission, the video was taken by a “colleague”!  A “colleague” who just happened to be at Ozone’s enclosure at the precise moment he was tossed a cigarette?

marison admitting it was his colleague

This act of cowardice needs to be exposed and Indonesian authorities are now actively investigating the man who threw the cigarette into Ozone the Orangutan’s enclosure on purpose and the man who was filming the event.  It seems strange that Marison Guciano, working with Rebecca Rodriguez, is once again behind this “exposure” on Bandung Zoo and it’s animals.


It’s also strange that this perfectly timed act of cruelty was filmed and somehow reached Marison Guciano for immediate distribution.  He posted on Facebook and tagged multiple individuals and organizations.  Co-incidence?  We think not!

There is not a single Zoo in the entire Universe, not even in the best Zoos in the entire world, that has security personnel or zookeepers at every single enclosure featuring it’s animals.  Ozone the Orangutan was burnt and injured by this cruel and calculated act.  If you are going to hurt animals while trying to “protect” animals then something is seriously wrong.  Only a sick and depraved individual with a hidden agenda would believe in this instance, that the ends justify the means!

We will update on the Authorities’ investigation and will be celebrating when swift action is taken against these disgusting, low-life cowards!


Man responsibly for flicking cigarette into Orangutan’s enclosure hands himself in :


However, Authorities are now investigating the connection between Marison Guciano and this individual who Guciano admitted was a “colleague”!




Rebecca Rodriguez has done nothing for animals besides the “odd dog”! Fact!

Rebecca Rodriguez (Rebecca A. Rodriguez, Beccy Rodriguez etc.) the GoFundMe campaign organizer for the “starving sun bears” of Bandung Zoo and other named animals in her fundraising campaign has actually done NOTHING for ANY animal, besides the odd dog she has “transported” (while already being in Puerto Rico on holiday) or “fostering a dog or 2” (wow so impressive!)


Now bearing in mind she raised $64 000 for various “animals in Indonesia”, then closed the fundraisier in December 2017 and then simply went AWOL, hiding out and then subsequently taking international trips with her best friend Alycia Hadfield to Puerto Rico, Italy and Indonesia and other exotic locations.

Well, what about the animals she promised she would help?

You do remember the F U N D R A I S E R for the following desperate animals, some of which Rebecca “cried over” :

  • Starving Sun Bears of Bandung Zoo

  • Animals of Bandung Zoo

  • Mikey the Orangutan at Kandi Wildlife Park

  • Tegan and Bedhu the other 2 Sun Bears at Jogja

  • Animals of Indonesia


So here is an “animal advocate” who is supposedly a “visible animal hero” – her words, not ours – who claims some kind of “status” as being an individual who cares for and helps animals and also happens to be an expert on ALL ANIMALS, WORLD-WIDE!

By her own actions, we can see that is simply NOT TRUE!

But she hides behind her Facebook page, criticizing the work of qualified, dedicated real animal heroes who are trying to make the lives of some animals better.  What the hell have YOU accomplished?????????  FOR ANIMALS???????  Nothing!!!

Animals are a film and photo op for you.  They are a pay out and a pay off so you can fund your lifestyle and dreams of appearing on TV!!!!

rr going on cee4lies march 2018

Rebecca Rodriguez you have done NOTHING for ANIMALS without FILMING THEM.  If you can’t turn helping an animal into a TV production or FILM production, you turn your backs on the animals.  What kind of “animal advocate” do you actually think you are?

No film op = No help!

girl vomit toilet



Rebecca Rodriguez caught red-handed in out right lies regarding identity theft!

We wrote of this before but here is further undeniable proof!

Ms Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal House : Around the World

illegally stole company and individual’s identities – identity theft – along with the name “Cee4Life.com” and “Cee4Life.net”.  Nothing but outright blatant lies!!!

And to top it off she states “I don’t believe anything that comes from Cee4Life says”!  LMAO!!!  Firstly, nobody cares what YOU think and secondly, we have proven over and over and over again that YOU are the LIAR!

rr i dont believe anything cee4life does lol


Ms Rodriguez publically declared and posted on multiple platforms that she never violated the law by stealing the identities of individuals who have spoken out against her fraudulent GoFundMe campaign and the disbursement of the public’s donations!


Watch first the links to “The League of Animal Rescue Deceivers” and then the SEQUENTIAL NUMBERS on the CUSTOMER’S IDENTITY (ie Rebecca Rodriguez)!

One by one, domains were registered one after the other!  All tying Animal Rescue Deceivers to none other than……………….. Rebecca Rodriguez and ooops another snafu, intermingled with the registrations is http://www.oneanimalworld.net LOL!


who is animalrescuedeceivers

who is cee4life

who is cee4life dot net


who is sybellefoxcroft

who is sybelle foxcroft dot net

who is celia athumani dot net

who is celia athumani dot com

who is paulawho is 98

who is one animal world dot net

who is briony wolf dot net


Who is Carole Hughes? Ratty, tatty and batty!

Who is Carole Hughes?  Well, simply, she is RATTY, TATTY and BATTY in our humble estimation!  These are our opinions and observations based on the actions and writings of Ms Hughes!

carole saying sf is a delusional pos and that melani diedcarole saying sf is fat and uglycarole hughes saying sybelles ass is bigcarole saying sf needs to get off her asscarole hughes ousting tiger templecarole standing up for edwincarole hughes saying shit gathers shitcarole stating sybelle supports animal abusecarole stating sybelle is full of shit

She is an unemployed individual who spends the majority of her days on the hate/smear blog on Facebook called Cee4Lies.  Her constant harassment, stalking and slander of Sybelle Foxcroft, Cee4Life and other individuals is out of control.  She seems to believe that because she’s behind a computer screen in the UK, she can get away with it.  We are here to tell her it’s not!”
For an old lady and someone who is meant to “love animals” (I wouldn’t dream of entrusting an animal into her care) she certainly has a very repugnant and obnoxious mouth and seems to be outraged that she is being observed while slandering the hell out of Sybelle Foxcroft, Cee4Life and supporters.
Double standards anyone?  Some of the most distasteful statements I’ve ever read come from this “dear old lady”!
carole gopher at caroles madhouse
Carole claims she loves animals so much, and has a house full of pets (what animal lover doesn’t) but she still doesn’t go out and get a job.  Nope, she is yet another unemployed “animal advocate” who has time to sit online all day victimizing individuals and climbing as far as possible up Edwin’s ass!  I don’t think she can even breathe
Just like her friends who create fake fundraisers and steal money directly out of the mouths of animals, she wants YOU to PAY her BILLS and RENTAL, RELOCATION COSTS and pay her VET BILLS and FOOD BILLS.
She also wants YOU to DONATE YOUR HARD EARNED CASH to her directly so she can move to a new residence, feed her pets and feed herself.  Carole, are you envious that Sybelle Foxcrcoft can travel the world, helping animals AND eat?  Is it that you don’t have funds for food dear?
But why not get a job then Carole?  No need to hate people because they eat their vegan meals every day!  You too can get a job in the real world, right? 🙂
carole and her fundraiser for 3000 pounds
Just because you are a lonely old, ugly hag doesn’t mean you should hide behind your computer hurling insults at others and denigrating their hard work.  How convenient that you’ve got money for the Internet Carole, dear, but no funds to feed your pets or yourself.  Your priorities are a little skewered, don’t you think?
It’s not the public’s fault you’re losing weight and hair in equal measure and appear frazzled and zoned out!  Maybe, if you got off your old ugly, skinny ass and got a job like the rest of the world, you wouldn’t have so much time to spend criticizing and maligning others.  You do realize what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!??
We’re also confused because it was Edwin Wiek who claimed he was behind bringing the Tiger Temple crashing down.  By that logic, isn’t it Edwin Wiek then who is thus responsible for the Tigers dying at DNP?  Very confusing dear!
carole stating sybelle is full of shit
You are certainly the most ugly person we know and not only on the outside!  The company you keep says it all.  No decent animal advocate/lover would sit alongside the very people who are behind the suffering, torment and ultimate death of majestic Tigers!
please give carole 3000 her hair is falling out and her weight plummeting
Let’s face it, you could always go and live with your friend Jon Williamson, Carole.  He’s in the UK.  Together you 2 nasty “lovely individuals” can help each other out.  Since he steals from the animals, he should have a Pound or 2 for you!
Yes some idiots donated 160 Pounds to Carole Hughes, out of the 3,000 Pounds she was hoping you ignorant workers would donate to her!
You are nasty, vile, evil, old, heartless human being by your own actions!  I hope you get every single thing you richly deserve!  Where do you get off denigrating other individuals?
Ratty, tatty and batty Miss C! Oh and please explain why it’s okay for you to criticize, malign and attack a person you’ve never even met!  You can’t have one set of rules for yourself and one set of rules for everyone else.  I am sure the Facebook Police are investigating this critical matter right now.  And every single word written here is the truth so I don’t know what you’re going to do with “an investigation”!

Rebecca Rodriguez visits the bowels of hell to punish her whistleblowers!

The lovely, kind “animal advocate” Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal House : Around the World has gone on a new rampage to do what exactly we are unsure.


One thing we do know is all the name calling and finger pointing in the Universe doesn’t change the facts that Rebecca A. Rodriguez LIED throughout her campaign and still LIES today!

A giant smokescreen of diversion is her latest ploy.  If she can only somehow discredit the people asking the difficult questions about where all her promised help for various animals throughout her campaign is, she seems to think that will somehow divert everyone’s attention away from the facts.  Shame on you Rebecca!  The smell of desperation is the strongest it’s ever been!

The truth is the people Rebecca is targeting in the most heinous way have never ever raised funds “for animals” and then gone AWOL with the donations.  They don’t pretend to be “animal advocates”, they are animal advocates.  None of the whistleblowers have tried over the past 20 years to appear on TV for infamy and money and none of them has stolen money meant for animals!

Call the whistleblowers whatever disgusting thing you can conjure up. It STILL doesn’t detract from the facts!  The whistleblowers who have nothing to gain or hide, are now being victimized, bullied and harassed by the same methodology the Scientologists utilize – “If we harass and target them long enough, they will go away!”  This bullying has reached epidemic proportions! 

Rebecca has publically posted via multiple social media that Ms Briony Wolf subscribes to zoo porn!  What a disgusting vile thing to allege and Ms Wolf has PROVEN her IP address is NOT the same as the IP in Rebecca’s allegations!  Disgusting, desperate and demonic!

zoo porn ip address

Actual IP address of Ms Wolf :

what is my ip address

The fact in a nutshell is Rebecca Rodriguez lied and manipulated her way into raising $63000 for “animals of Indonesia”, none of which has been received by a SINGLE ANIMAL of her campaign!

She knew before even starting her campaign that the animals of Bandung Zoo weren’t starving.  She still forged ahead.  The campaign and petition are riddled with so many outright lies that it’s hard to keep track of it all.

The bottom line is Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World aka Animal House : Around the World raised $63000 for the “animals of Indonesia” and instead of fulfilling her obligations she went on lavish international holidays with her best friend Alycia Barlow identifying film and photo ops.

She is completely silent about where all the PUBLIC’S money has disappeared to.  Instead she spends her days trying to destroy the people who are simply asking questions. Someone is indeed very, very desperate.

These are the acts of a depraved, demented desperado.  Satan sits on Rebecca’s shoulder and the whole world sees it now.




14 months of harassment and bullying with no end in sight!

Rebecca Rodriguez of One Animal World and Animal House : Around the World, her accomplices – and the story of the Sun Bears of Bandung Zoo and the mystery of the missing donations!

fuglyThis investigation began because the GoFundMe fundraiser for the sun bears of Bandung Zoo, created by Ms Rebecca Rodriguez was closed on 29 December 2017.

None of the GFM funds are accounted for, nor is there an accurate tally of total donations received of direct contributions. To date, not a single named beneficiary has received even $1 from this fundraiser. Where is the fiscal accountability? Simply, where has the money disappeared to?

This is a complicated, convoluted story spanning the globe, multiple individuals and organizations. We trust you will stay on this journey with us as it might seem tedious at times.

The massive plans and deception perpetrated needs to be unveiled as scamming the public with concerns of “animals in crisis situations” to raise donations has reached epidemic proportions.

This is about identifying the underlying motives of people who consider themselves “animal advocates” or “visible animal heroes” who seem to be saying one thing to the public, but doing the opposite in reality.

rebecca in puerto rico suntanned with bathing suit on

This is about Rebecca A. Rodriguez of One Animal Worldhttp://www.oneanimalworld.com initially registered as a for-profit company and subsequently registered as a charity “One Animal World Foundation”. More to come on the explanation of the widespread manipulation of various intermingled companies, organizations, LLCs and charities.

Ms Rodriguez used a 2 years old video and related pictures of “starving” sun bears of Bandung Zoological Gardens and other animals to spearhead her fundraiser, allegedly for the animals featured in said video.

donate to sunbears or directly to one animal world
The GoFundMe fundraiser for the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” –

fundraiser for

hitched onto the back of a Change.org petition started several months ago for the President of Indonesia to shut down Bandung Zoo –

president widodo shut down bandung zoo now

Both the GoFundMe fundraiser and the Change.org petition are severely and fatally flawed with massive, purposeful, fraudulent, slanderous information and alleged “facts”. These platforms were used to manipulate the public into donating to fund a mission that was dishonest and to bolster a petition that was mendacious and misleading. Furthermore, the video footage used was a sting video produced by an Indonesian-based wildlife trafficking organization -Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group. The sting video of the “starving Sun Bears of Bandung Zoo” was produced in June 2016! More on this organization later.

The factually incorrect and slanderous petition created by Ms W P Ooi Holmes of Ben Avon, Pennsylvania which is nearing 1 million signatures, and the conjoined factually incorrect and slanderous GoFundMe fundraiser created by Rebecca Rodriguez of La Center, Washington, has inspired and incited continued, purposeful and on-going worldwide hatred of the Bandung Zoo in Indonesia, a registered Australian organisation named, Conservation and Environmental Education 4 Life (Cee4life http://www.cee4life.org), Taman Safari Bogor, the country of Indonesia, the city of Bandung, volunteers and multiple supporters of CEE4Life.

The big question is obviously WHY would these 2 individuals create and set up such a seemingly devious and cunning plan?  And why target a Zoo who is clearly committed to improving conditions at the Zoo and for it’s animals?  There are 61 zoos in all of Indonesia.  Bandung Zoo is currently rated 14 out of 61.  Why this zealous specific targeted attack???

Well, simplistically, to understand the plan you have to unmask the individuals behind these 2 critical acts. Our focus will be specifically on the 2 identified individuals initially – Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes and later on, Ms Rodriguez’s other accomplices.

Who is P Holmes (aka W P Ooi Holmes, Py Holmes, Ooi Holmes, Pyoh Holmes, Poo Holmes and several variations of that name), the Change.org petition organizer?


Our investigation led us to uncover a Malaysian individual residing in Pennsylvania who appeared to be a serial petition writer and organizer. Further investigation revealed Ms Holmes has no formal or informal qualifications regarding animal welfare or any specialized knowledge of Indonesian animals. She apparently likes sewing and gardening. It can be inferred thus, Ms Holmes would not be qualified to create or update on an Indonesian Zoo she has never even visited or “animal issues” at said Zoo and is not competent, practiced or proficient to do so.


Furthermore, even on her opening statement on the original content of her Change.org petition- it seems Ms Holmes purposefully laced the petition with outright, blatant lies and misinformation! For instance, the giraffe that died with 40lbs of trash in it’s stomach was not at Bandung Zoological Gardens. The giraffe was at Surabaya Zoological Gardens.  Wrong Zoo!



Also, Ms Holmes wrote “The Bandung Zoo has been coined Indonesia’s death Zoo”! This is also incorrect. It is “Surabaya Zoo” that was given that moniker.  Wrong Zoo!


To further her agenda of hatred towards Bandung Zoological Gardens and the work of Cee4Life.org, Ms Holmes created a fake page on Facebook and purposefully conjoined Bandung Zoological Gardens with Surabaya Zoo. This promoted supplementary loathing of Bandung Zoo. Surabaya Zoo has one of the worst reputations of any Zoo in Indonesia. By intermingling the two, Ms Holmes purposefully fanned the flames of hatred.

We also established that Ms Holmes, purposefully directed members of the public to leave bad reviews for Bandung Zoo.

fake bz page

Why would anyone do such a hateful and illegal thing?


Note the carefully crafted, specific wording of multiple (majority) reviews. It is all identical. How did multiple individuals, spanning the globe, come up with the exact same wording in their “independent review”?
There is clear evidence of a horrible conspiracy purposefully to defame Bandung Zoo and it’s associates!

“This is horrid place and does not deserve to be called a “zoo.” Animals are in awful conditions, starving and so unhealthy, and are expected to live their lives like this. All people who care and support creatures on our planet need to call for the immediate release and relocation of these creatures to safe preserves where they may live out their lives in an environment conducive to their well-being. This Indonesian zoo in Bandung is a total disgrace and the people who run it and their government ought to be punished accordingly. Can you IMAGINE emaciated bears begging for food from people who go to this zoo? STOP going to this zoo. The circumstances are torturous for the zoo’s inhabitants. The filth and squalor the animals are forced to survive in also forces them to wait for death to give them any relief. Beyond disgusting, this is abhorrent, reprehensible, inexcusable, indefensible and totally unjustifiable to treat these living creatures in such a cruel manner. This zoo must be closed.”

Apparently, despite repeated attempts to advise Ms Holmes (and Ms Rodriguez) that her Petition was grossly misleading, factually incorrect, slanderous and defamatory, she persisted. It’s also confusing to note this petition was started many, many months ago but only seemed to gain traction when it was joined to Ms Rodriguez’s fundraiser.

We can only surmise that infamy and acknowledgement of her existence is behind Ms Holme’s Petition. Or, she might have been promised either access to a certain percentage of Ms Rodriguez’s fundraiser or to appear in a film produced by Ms Rodriguez. We simply cannot understand this apparently irrational relationship nor the real intentions of Ms Holmes.

Who is Rebecca Rodriguez (Rebecca A. Rodriguez, Beccy Rodriguez, Beccy Tomzak and several variations of those names) the GoFundMe fundraiser creator/organizer?

alycia and rr in bed

This is an extremely complicated investigation, unravelling multiple registered organizations and charities and spans 20 years.

Ms Rodriguez, we discovered, is a self-proclaimed “animal advocate”, “critically acclaimed” filmmaker and aspiring actress and also apparently aspiring “visible animal hero”.

Research revealed she has no qualifications pertaining to wildlife, wildlife rescue, animal rehabilitation, animal welfare or Indonesia or Indonesian wildlife. The truth is there no evidence of any recognized animal-welfare experience whatsoever. We have ascertained she left school at age 16.

Her main impetus has been focused on attempts to appear on TV by producing TV/Film content on animal-related issues via various platforms, namely appearing in video production on YouTube and producing one sizzle reel called “Animal House”, also released via YouTube, on rebuilding an animal shelter hopefully for widespread TV production and dissemination.

We uncovered one of her “critically acclaimed” films was about a floating piece of poo in a toilet bowl that could not or would not be flushed away! It’s a film called “Floater” produced in 2000. Another supposed “critically acclaimed” film was “Soul Collectors”. This is a film about 2 men named Phil and Ed who attempt to convince a woman that she is dead. Both these films were produced in one week-end!

She had limited acknowledgement for the lacklustre films she produced over several years. In 2015 Ms Rodriguez produced a sizzle reel for an idea she had to rebuild failing animal shelters/pounds. She based this on an idea from 1989 when she assisted the people on the island of Guam. This was produced under the name of “Animal House”. The idea was being submitted to Animal Planet and NatGeo to potentially create and produce an entire series of the same name. Neither TV production companies picked up the idea and it was binned due to lack of interest. We have also learnt Ms Rodriguez recently approached Animal Planet again, proferring the “Animal House” idea.  Again, it has been binned.

Subsequent investigations revealed a troubling jumble of bewilderment by individuals associated with the production of “Animal House”. Several individuals were targeted and threatened with legal action by Ms Rodriguez for their truthful unveiling of what can only be described as a quagmire of falsehoods and confusion by staff on the set of “Animal House” and other individuals who questioned the integrity and honesty of her various fundraising platforms and film production goals. Why this is important we will reveal later.

wildlifeplanet twitter rr also threatening to sue them
stephanie buck

One such lady who worked with Ms Rodriguez on the “set” of “Animal House” was Ms Sandy Dye Carbaugh who publically vented on Facebook about all she had endured by being affiliated with Ms Rodriguez and working on this project.


However, to fully understand who Ms Rodriguez really is, one has to investigate her past efforts to raise funds to underwrite her ideas and ultimate goal of appearing on television.

We researched further and found several such platforms and attempts to raise funds.

We found http://www.femaleoutrage.com, which has subsequently been removed from the world-wide web. However, trace of it can still be seen. Ms Rodriguez wanted the public to fund her march to Washington for women’s rights. It has been determined nobody donated and the idea quickly disappeared from the public foray.


We then stumbled upon the use of the site http://www.patreon.com wherein once again, Ms Rodriguez under the guise of “One Animal World” asked the public to donate to fund her “love of animals”!

patreon begging for money

Again it can be noted no funds were donated by any member of the public. Generally, “animal advocates” are self-funded and work with and for animals without trying to raise capital to do it.

We then uncovered “Animal Centric” via “Animal Time TV” in 2015 on YouTube, using the search terminology “Animal House TV”. This once again featured Ms Rodriguez with her best friend  Ms Alycia Barlow Hadfield, again calling for funds using the Patreon platform : http://www.patreon.com/animalcentric

animal centric patreon
animal centric is rr and alycia

Again, it should be noted no funds were donated by any member of the public. Please also note the limited number of “views” – a clear indication said individuals were not known by the public and definitely not popular. They appeared to simply be again, 2 “animal advocates” trying to produce film on “animal issues” and attempting to raise funds to do so. Apparently the public didn’t seem very responsive or interested in her proposed ideas and projects she was trying to get off the ground.

Currently in existence is another GoFundMe fundraiser created by Ms Rebecca Rodriguez. It is purportedly to assist the animals left behind after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
It can be found here : https://www.gofundme.com/hurricane-maria-animal-fund
barks of hope ss

We also have stumbled upon a strange relationship with Barks of Hope based in Puerto Rico for which Ms Rodriguez also accepts direct payment/contributions. How does Barks of Hope keep track of donations made to Ms Rodriguez? How does IRS track these donations? Why would Barks of Hope allow an individual supposedly not recognized as an affiliate legally, to accept money on their behalf?

There is also clear evidence of Ms Rodriguez being behind the http://www.barksofhope.us web domain registration, further proof of their established “relationship”. This is a strange dynamic that needs to be closely examined. It would appear Ms Rodriguez is much more involved with Barks of Hope and their may be some kind of quid-pro-co association.  We cannot understand the relationship but it needs to be investigated.

The Barks of Hope situation expose will be revealed via a different report.

barks of hope gffm
Thus, throughout her life Ms Rodriguez has attempted on multiple occasions to raise public donations to fund her lifestyle and filmmaking dreams and endeavours to appear on television. All of these previous attempts show a disconcerting pattern of behaviour, but more importantly reveals that, until Ms Rodriguez used the video of the “starving sun Bears of Bandung Zoo” and created a fundraiser on their behalf, she remained, simply, one more “animal advocate” in a pile of activists. Essentially, she is merely an unknown individual living in Washington, USA.

Rebecca A. Rodriguez’s multiple, complicated, inter-linked “names”, “web sites”, “Facebook Pages”, “LLC registrations”, “Twitter Accounts” and more, all seemingly created to provide Ms Rodriguez with an air of authority and competency and apparently, an easy way to confuse a willing public. For ease of reference, we will try and list these all alphabetically. Please note, a number of these items have been edited and updated and continue to be updated over time causing further confusion. Still more have been deleted or unpublished.

Animal CentricFormed with Alycia Barlow Hadfield of Vancouver, Washington.

animal centric
Animal House on Facebook
animal house back from mexico

Animal House TV
animal house tv
Animal House TV/Animal House Gen 1
animal house gen 1
Animal House InternationalFormed with Tracy Kleber, a United States citizen currently residing in Fasano, Italy.

 Animal Time TV – Owned and operated by Ms Rodriguez to produce “quality entertainment for awesome, animal people”.

original animal time tv
And revamped and updated to :
animal time and animal house about its rebecca and alycia now
Animal House TV
animal house tv
Animals of Indonesia on Facebook – disbanded after “mission” failed.

One Animal World – first listed as a subsidiary of RebRod LLC – a for profit company owned and operated by Ms Rodriguez assimilated donations from her GoFundMe fundraiser for the sun bears and other named beneficiaries, despite registering a Charity on 3rd February 2017prior to the creation of the fundraiser for the sun bears – which would have attached very specific conditions and fudiciary accountability as required under the Charity laws in the USA.

one animal world FOR PROFIT

Exactly why did Ms Rodriguez not make use of “One Animal World Foundation” Charity to amass the donations from http://www.gofundme.com/animalsofindonesia ? It would appear she purposefully used “One Animal World” and “RebRod LLC” specifically. These are very important questions with serious implications and are critical and vital evidence as to her real intentions and integrity.
oaw in the begining

The name “One Animal World” and it’s associated web pages and Facebook accounts have been updated to make use of the “Charity” status vs a business known just as “One Animal World”. Why this is important will be revealed later.

Then Rebecca Rodriguez created a Charity based in Washington named “One Animal World Foundation” in early February 2017.  See above.

And is now calling for further donations to the now registered “One Animal World Foundation” Charity. The public have now unwittingly been led to believe that their donations previously given for http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia was given to a Charity which adds a form of safety and implies legitimacy and accountability, and not a for-profit company with the same name.

Ms Rodriguez continues to use http://www.oneanimalworld.com but it no longer references in any way, the original “One Animal World”’s for profit status!
one animal world donate to REGISTERED CHARITY
Ostensibly having confused the public, Ms Rodriguez via http://www.oneanimalworld.com has switched to high gear and has highly publicized the Charity status and asks for donations for some already completed and finalized projects.
Why would she be asking for donations to fund goals already finalized?

For instance “Building a reading house in Sumatra”. This project was already finished/completed around November 2017 last year. All trace of the actual building and construction of the reading house in Aceh Sumatra in conjunction with Scorpion Monitor Org has been removed by Ms Rodriguez.
since returning from indo we have done reading house

Yet now asking for donations for the “reading house” under “projects

oaw donate to reading house in sumatra with date

Also, other projects are being “highlighted” and Ms Rodriguez is calling for funds for the dogs of Fasano Italy.
one animal world current projects dogs of fasano with date
It has been ascertained by independent reports that Ms Rodriguez has no direct impact or involvement with said dogs. Why would Ms Rodriguez attempt to raise funds for a shelter in Fasano Italy that will not and cannot accept her supposed purported offer when there isn’t one?
tiberio animal house international mayor zaccaria of fasano

Ms Rodriguez wrote that she had spent several months working to inspire/work with the Mayor of Fasano and there were individuals who had “undermined her influence”! Ms Rodriguez had no influence and continues to have no influence on the dogs of Fasano Italy. Yet she continues to insist under her current One Animal World projects section, wherein she asks you to donate, that she is somehow involved with this issue. She is not in any way involved with the building of a new Pound and has zero influence over the Mayor.
animal house stating 600 000 euros and mayor zaccaria when will politicians ever learnt that, the cover up is always worst than the ccrime wries poo holmes
The Mayor of Fasano has had no dealings with Ms Rodriguez whatsoever and has spoken out and released a public statement regarding the 150 dogs currently being held in the pound including current and future developments.
the mayors statement regarding the kennel

Thus is must be again inferred that this a ploy to target the public with gut-wrenching tails of abuse and neglect, whilst raising funds for fabricated “projects” that will never transpire.

It seems to us that Ms Rodriguez and her associate Ms Holmes truly believes they are in a position of power and hold authority over other countries, their Mayors and oftentimes their Presidents!

There is even a fundraiser plea to support Ms Rodriguez’s activities as a “foster parent” under “projects”! Yes really. We unearthed this whilst analysing her latest update on the page http://www.oneanimalworld.com

Again, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of individuals all over the world who foster animals. They do not ask for donations to do so. This is done as a “sign of love” and commitment to animals.

This exact same ploy has been used under “Animal Centric”!

And then there’s the NEW “Indonesian” mission. Ms Rodriguez asks you to donate in order to produce educational materials on humane education (whatever that means but implies FILM PRODUCTION), “speciality projects” (whatever that really means, more FILM PRODUCTION) and “pressure campaigns” (and again yet more FILM PRODUCTION) – we assume some kind of watchdog group PRODUCING FILM and TV SERIES, but really, what does that mean precisely?
oaw donate to indonesia mission with date

We also wonder what happened to Ms Rodriguez’s claims that she was “building a new enclosure for 2 sun bears named Tegan and Bedhu”, for which she happily called for and embraced public’s donations for this project.

Currently the new sun bear enclosure for Tegan and Behu does not even feature under One Animal World’s current projects.

Very troubling indeed.  Nobody even knows if these bears are real as they are at an “undisclosed location” in the jungle somewhere.

What areas of expertise is Ms Rodriguez qualified to act as a “watchdog group” for Indonesia? We have scrutinized all records and Ms Rodriguez has absolutely no qualifications and more worryingly, no experience whatsoever with “Indonesian animals” that would ordinarily be required for someone to assimilate, analyse and scrutinize conditions of animals in Indonesia.

Also, none of her “team” members she flew to Bandung Zoo Indonesia, have any related qualifications whatsoever either. We fail to understand why Ms Rodriguez believes she is competent to analyse anything with regard to Indonesia!

Ms Rodriguez in her earlier GoFundMe campaign made some highly idiotic and ridiculous claims and embarrassing statements. For instance, apparently there was a sun bear who appeared to be lactating at Bandung Zoo, but no cub seen, there were 28 zoos in Indonesia (there are 61). The sun bears apparently were starving and eating their own feces.  She made numerous embarrassing snafus exposing her lack of professional education and credentials.  Her alleged, current projects are purposefully misleading and no precise, unambiguous, well-laid out plans are listed for which she can be held accountable.

The only manner in which Ms Rodriguez can gain access to Indonesian Zoos, illegal wildlife trafficking markets and animal exploitation in the country of Indonesia is if she coughs up a large sum of money for her “investigative spies” on the ground, the same ones that she admitted to sending to Bandung Zoo last year. We have been advised Ms Rodriguez is currently being investigated in Indonesia by Authorities who were approached by Bandung Zoo officials regarding the fundraiser.
A complete look at the multiple LLCs registered by Ms Rodriguez.  Please note all data and information we have assembled is already in the public domain and is not considered private :
all rebeccas llc registrations
An in-depth analysis into the goals and objectives of the GoFundMe fundraiser :

Firstly, of critical importance, pre-dating the creation of http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia, both Ms Rodriguez and Ms Holmes received communiqué from independent Wildlife organizations based both in the UK and USA, that the sun bears of Bandung Zoo were not and had never been starving in early 2017.

They were also further informed that both PKBSI – Indonesian Zoo and Aquariums government arm and Taman Safari Bogor together with an Australian-based NGO named Cee4Life.org were already working to improve the conditions of the animals of Bandung Zoo, including the sun bears. Massive enclosure upgrades were underway and pivotal educational programmes were being held. Multiple aspects of Bandung Zoological Gardens were undergoing modernisation and advancement.

Secondly, Ms Rodriguez’s GoFundMe fundraiser for Bandung Zoo was never sanctioned by the owners and management of Bandung Zoo. In fact, nobody in the “animal world” had ever even heard the name of Ms Rodriguez. She was unknown in USA and most certainly unknown in Indonesia!
We don’t know about you, reading this report, but try raising funds for the animals being rescued by Four Paws or PETA without their prior knowledge and or consent.  I’m sure in no time at all you would be investigated for fraud.  Also, we are quite sure legally, you would be forced to hand over any donations you had acquired on their behalf or spend time behind bars!

In fact, it came to Bandung Zoo’s attention that Ms Rodriguez had created a fundraiser for the animals of Bandung Zoo who then in turn reached out to the Australian-based NGO, Cee4Life.org – the zoo’s English-speaking partner – to communicate with Ms Rodriguez and ask if she would partner with them to expedite the upgrades and improvements being undertaken by the Zoo. Cee4Life.org at no time asked Ms Rodriguez to hand over the funds directly.

Thirdly, Ms Rodriguez named the fundraiser platform after the sun bears, she repeatedly and specifically used the terminology “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” on Twitter for instance and also used by her colleagues repeatedly stating “Please donate to the starving sun bears” and promoted the sting video produced in June 2016 by Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group along with imagery of the “dire conditions” for the sun bears.  Please read through the updates very carefully about specifically how the money would be for the benefit of the sun bears and animals!
gfm 11 stating now there are even more funds available for the animals because air travel coveredgfm update 9 money will be used for enclosure repairs and immediate needs like foodgfm update 7 we need money to address immediate needs of the animals
Furthermore, she claimed the “starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo” would receive vital and critical assistance. The sun bears were repeatedly and obviously named as the beneficiary of the campaign. At one point Ms Rodriguez even claimed “the sun bears appreciate you”.
donate to sunbears or directly to one animal world

The resulting commentary by the public on the GoFundMe platform, also added a level of corroboration that in general, people donating assumed their funds would somehow be specifically given or utilized for and on behalf of the sun bears of Bandung Zoo!
poo i donated to help the starving sun bears
alycia tweeting proof campaign is for sun bears and animals of indonesia
Fourthly, what is absolutely vital to note is nobody other than Ms Rodriguez’s “team” were privy to the real plans and intentions of the fundraiser and what the real motives were “to assist the sun bears of Bandung Zoo”! This is of highly critical significance as it reveals Ms Rodriguez never, ever intended to part with $1 to directly assist the starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo.
funds will be spent

We are now fully aware why Ms Rodriguez refused to join with Cee4Life.org and Bandung Zoo. She created a fabricated, carefully-crafted “reason of refusal” after a “strange offer of help” as to why the $45000 raised at the time could not be given for the benefit of the sun bears. Confusingly, the sun bears’ enclosure was about to be upgraded so if Ms Rodriguez didn’t want to “hand over the funds directly” as she alleged, citing possible misuse of the funds, why wouldn’t she pay directly for building materials and associated costs with contruction of the new enclosure? She attached several new contingent terms and conditions with regard to the funds. These t & c’s were never mentioned on the initial fundraiser. Even with the “new contingent terms and conditions” Ms Rodriguez could easily have assisted the sun bears if those were her real intentions! (ie the sun bear enclosure building and upgrade). Furthermore, Ms Rodriguez may not withhold the donations from the named beneficiary/ies. It is not in her legal capacity to do so under GoFundMe’s t & c.

Ms Rodriguez claims Bandung Zoo refused her offer!  Why would Bandung Zoo say no to $45 000 when they had almost immediate plans to upgrade the sun bear’s enclosures? (And the Elephant enclosures and the Tiger enclosures!) That would seem totally illogical!
gofundme you cannot lie or not deliver funds to beneficiary

Unbeknown to the public, Cee4Life.org and Bandung Zoo, Ms Rodriguez had “other plans” for the funds she raised. The truth is Ms Rodriguez never wanted to part with donations unless she could do so on her terms. What did that mean?  At that time the tally stood around $45000 excluding direct contributions. Ms Rodriguez’s plans were only uncovered when her associate/team member and Change.org petition creator Ms P Holmes, revealed via Twitter, the actual objectives.
Ms Rodriguez’s real plans were never to utilize the funds to directly help the sun bears. Her real intentions were to facilitate the removal and relocation of the sun bears to sanctuaries in the USA and turn the story into a TV/film production.

This claim is further backed up by an analysis of her “team members” and the succeeding, on-going changes to the GoFundMe fundraiser of which the beneficiaries and plans seemingly changed before our very eyes. More on the “team members” later.
poo stating release sun bears of bandungpoo independent film maker in indonesia nowpoos agenda with rr re the sun bearspoo sun bears to sanctuary in usa

We now had hard proof that Ms Rodriguez, using cleverly worded updates, posted on http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia and regurgitated via Ms P Holmes’s Change.org petition to close Bandung Zoo, never, ever had any intention whatsoever of really assisting the Bandung Zoo’s sun bears!
The campaign continually changed.
Even the original wording from the campaign’s inception was changed repeatedly to cover up certain promises and claims by Ms Rodriguez. The campaign “evolved” throughout it’s history. The named beneficiaries throughout the campaign were :
1) “Starving sun bears of Bandung Zoo”
2) “animals of Bandung Zoo”
3) Mikey (Mikail) the orphaned juvenile Orangutan based in Sumatra at Kandi Wildlife Park
4) “animals of Indonesia” an unidentifiable, unrecognized, ambiguous “entity”
5) New enclosure construction for “Tegan and Bedhu” at some secret location

There is undoubtedly absolute confirmation that these funds were earmarked for the Sun Bears. The campaign however, suddenly “evolved” when Ms Rodriguez’s attempts at removing the sun bears were thwarted when she was denied access to Bandung Zoo.
Not only did Ms Rodriguez ask for donations to be given for the sun bears and animals at Bandung Zoo, she specifically updated the fundraiser with a pleas for multiple animals using random pictures of Tiger cubs and Elephants and also asked for funds/donations to be given for an abandoned, juvenile orangutan named Mikey (Mikail) situate at Kandi Wildlife Park in Sumatra and sun bears Tegan and Bedhu.
please donate for mikeyappeal for mikey part 2

We do not know how much the public gave believing their funds would benefit Mikey either in http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia campaign or in the subsequent fundraiser Ms Rodriguez created for Mikey. We unravelled even more worrying information regarding what specifically the funds “earmarked for Mikey” actually entailed!
Ms Rodriguez started a separate fundraiser for an on behalf of Mikey with a goal of $7000.
Again, of critical importance to note is Ms Rodriguez’s GoFundMe campaign had reached almost $50000 in donations and an additional approximately $10000 in direct contributions. She was in a direct position of funding the new enclosure for Mikey in its entirety without further delay. She ignored his desperate plea for help and kept all the donations given to assist him!
mikand the orang in tiny cage
Furthermore it was subsequently discovered that a full enclosure upgrade for Mikey would only cost around $3700. So why the fundraising target of $7000?
Finally, Scorpion Wildlife Trade Monitoring Group who had been associated with Ms Rodriguez published that Ms Rodriguez had only pledged a total of $375 to Mikey!!!!!!!!!! This again raising the alarming question of why Ms Rodriguez needed $7000? We infer that Ms Rodriguez had plans to film the construction and upgrade of an enclosure for Mikey which would entail the costs of Ms Rodriguez’s “team members” associated with such a production.
scorpion highlighing mikail need for 4000 so why fundraiser for 7000
To date, none of the beneficiaries named in Ms Rodriguez’s various GoFundMe campaigns has been given or are in receipt of any of the funds.

Ms Rodriguez has served, via the internet, “cease and desist” orders to her whistleblowers. Ms Rodriguez even apparently accused said whistleblowers of extortion! To be clear, we should point out that holding someone accountable for the promises they made and their legal obligations in terms of a fundraiser is NOT extortion!

What is the purpose of a fundraiser?

A fundraiser is created to raise public donations to fund named beneficiaries.

What is the purpose of naming a beneficiary?

A beneficiary is named so the public may clearly identify the “receiver” (beneficiary) of money donated. Usually either specifically identified animals or individuals they are donating to.

Legally, a campaign organizer has to fulfil their obligations.

The organizer many not “pick and choose” which of the named beneficiaries may or may not receive donations given by the public.

If the organizer raised funds for and on behalf of specifically identified entities, the organizer must realize these obligations.

The organizer may also not privately profit from the fundraiser.

Thus, holding Ms Rodriguez legally accountable for her obligations in terms of this fundraiser, is not and can never be considered extortion!
Via http://www.gofundme.com/sunbearsindonesia

Ms Rodriguez raised a total of $53 531.

It is unknown at this time how much was raised in direct contributions. We do know that around the $11 500 mark, $2500 was received via direct contributions.

We assume, therefore an approximate additional $12500 has been received by Ms Rodriguez, also unaccounted for.


rr stating x from gfm and x from direct contributions
Summary thus far of the illegitimate GoFundMe fundraiser and flawed Change.org Petition :
GoFundMe violations :

Misleading statements
Changing beneficiaries
Funds not delivered to beneficiaries
No defamation of organizations and individuals is allowed
Privately profiting from fundraiser
No violation of international and local law
Change.org violations :

Misleading statements
Defamation of organizations and individuals
No hate speech allowed
No violation of privacy of others
No bullying
No violation of international and local law

Who are Ms Rodriguez’s professional “team members for her “Indonesian mission”?

Her “team members” are actually a collection of friends with whom she worked on the sizzle reel of “Animal House”.

Who are these “qualified team of experts” and what are their fields of relevant expertise and training with regard to Indonesia and Indonesian animals, if any? Most are completely unknown and unheard of in the animal welfare arena.

Alycia Hadfield aka Alycia Barlow Hadfield is another “team member”.
Qualifications? Zero! Ms Barlow operates “Pacific Animal Society” an almost completely unknown organization in Washington. She is not really known in the animal welfare community. She does love animals, so I guess that makes her an expert.
“Dr” Daniel Allen – is an “Otter specialist” residing in the UK. He is also, by his own admission, not opposed to Zoos! One immediately garners respect for this person as he’s a “Doctor” right? Nope! Not in the “medical sense”! He has a PhD in human geography! It gets better. “Daniel’s doctoral research explored, ‘The cultural and historical geographies of otter hunting in Britain, 1830-1939’ and he is referred to as “The Otter Man for obvious reasons.
dr daniel allen bio

Miguel Abi-Hassan has a degree in occupational psychology. However, an occupational psychologist is someone who studies the behaviour of people at work. We have no idea what this has to do with animals.
Also Hassan, in his capacity as Chief Executive Officer of the Halifax Humane Society is involved in an investigation into “missing rabbits” who are thought to have been given to a “predator facility” as food.

Internationally, Rebecca Rodriguez’s actions and intentions have been publically questioned with regards to her Sun Bears’ campaign and people all over the world are finally paying attention! Ms Rodriguez seems to believe if she disappears behind a veil of silence she has no accountability to fulfil her obligations either legally or morally.

Latest independent news and expose of Ms Rodriguez can be found here –









Yep, she’s at it again. Rebecca A. Rodriguez (aka RebRod) started yet another venture to raise donations. We are not surprised!

For this “business” (as it’s NOT a charity) Rodriguez is trying to get people to pay for her (surprise surprise) video production of the abuse animals face at the hands of the Federal Government. We’re not sure exactly WHY she needs funds, yet again, to produce her own content since she has all the videographer equipment she needs, she has her own film production company and she already owns the editing software she utilizes with her video production.

Furthermore, we can guarantee that your “donations” are going straight into Rebecca Rodriguez’s private company REBROD LLC! Which she owns and operates and utilizes to avoid paying taxes on “income” aka bogus fundraisers.

Also, why does it cost money to write to the powers that be? What does it cost to send an email to a State Representative or Governor where abuse is taking place? There are approximately 200,000,000 groups, activists, animal charities addressing these same issues and they aren’t asking for donations. They write petitions, they list email addresses and produce documents that can be copied and pasted and then sent on to whomever is the appropriate government department.



WHY AREN’T THE “COMMITTEE MEMBERS” NAMED ON THE WEBSITE? (Because she’s the only committee member?)


She has 6 “followers” on her YouTube channel. Let’s name them : Rodriguez, Alycia Barlow, Poo Holmes, Tracey Kleber, Tracey’s husband and? Wow, a hugely successful channel 100% 

People, this is just another scam to line Rodriguez’s pockets. Everything that she states as part of the “mission” of Paws and Claws PAC can be done WITHOUT ANY MONEY whatsoever! She’s really asking you to donate to HER video production which SHE will profit from! As with everything she’s ever done, this is all about fame, money and ego. It has nothing to do with animals.

Surprised? Nope. Predictable? Yep.

Don’t be sucked into another private fundraising opportunity for the trustworthy Rebecca Rodriguez!

Does this look normal? All these companies, some registered, some just registered domain names, some functional, some inactive……….. Bamboozles the mind!